
Node JS based photo upload server with ShareX in mind

Primary LanguageJavaScript

README ShareX-Endpoint

Customizable image (png, jpg, gif) storage application written in Node JS, designed with ShareX in mind. Optional HTTPS mode, magic number file verification for security, multi-user setup.


Prerequisites: Node.js

Clone this git then:

Edit config/coreConfig.js to change server port or ssl key & certificate locations.

Edit config/sharexConfig.js to change / create users, change file storage location or server output (url).

Edit config/sqlConfig.js to add sql credentials.

cd [clone dir]
npm install // atm no package file //
sudo node main.js


Upload to remote server. Deploy using pm2 (if you want). Apply reverse proxy (if you want).

Make changes to the following, copy and import from clipboard as a destination:

  "Name": "Share.Lyka.Pro",
  "RequestType": "POST",
  "RequestURL": "http://share.lyka.pro:6969/",
  "FileFormName": "thePic",
  "Arguments": {
    "user": "test",
    "pass": "1234"
  "ResponseType": "LocationHeader"


Having issues? Open an issue for support.


Feel free to contribute using Github Flow. Fork this project, add commits, and then open a pull request.