
A serverless API for EU Cordis data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Provides a clean and simple REST interface on top of EU Cordis data.


  • GET projects: returns the first 100 projects from the Cordis database.


This API uses the serverless framework on Amazon AWS. What is a serverless architecture?


Install serverless framework locally

npm install -g serverless

Connect to your Amazon AWS account, and then deploy

serverless deploy

AWS setup

DynamoDB streams aren't managed by Serverless, so these have been set up through the UI.


Example querying graphQL

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"query": "{ project { rcn, title } }"}' https://5e5qfaxb1c.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/dev/graphql

Test locally

You can invoke functions locally, like

serverless invoke local -f getProjects

Debug function invokes like

serverless logs -f getProjects

Count number of items in a DynamoDB table

aws dynamodb scan --table-name=cordis_projects --select "COUNT"


MIT © Marzee Labs