San Diego Hearts

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We designed an interactive website ([]( "San Diego Hearts")) that examined the factors contributing to varying heart disease rates across San Diego to recommend ways to bring down the rates in the high risk areas. The goal is to help the potential users to make better decisions to run the campaigns and channelize the funds to the right regions.

TabPy Machine Learning Integration

Go to San Diego Hearts Website
Currently, having tableau public connect to TabPy is being worked on by Tableau ([Issue on TabPy Github](tableau/TabPy#25)). In result, this isn't on the website, but the workbook with the TabPy integration is available for download on this github (see the link below).
What is it? Why is it Useful? Link to Item
Machine Learning IPython Notebook Predicting Heart Disease IPython Notebook
Download Tableau Workbook + Associated Files You need it for Python Integration to this dashboard Download Zipfile
Youtube Video (Coming Soon) Show people how to use TabPy Coming Soon


2nd Place 2nd place at the 2017 San Diego Big Data Hackathon


What is it? Powerpoint/Word PDF
Final Presentation Powerpoint PDF
Final Submission Form Word PDF
Proposal Presentation Powerpoint PDF


FirstName LastName Email
Disha Singla
Orysya Stus
Ehab Abdelmaguid
Akshit Bhatnagar
Michael Galarnyk
Submit Pull Request

Useful Links

What is it? Why is it Useful? Link to Item
Making Launching of the Website Youtube Video
Official Site Website Official Hackathon Site
Competition Github Repo Repo Repo Link


Anyone may contribute to our project. Submit a pull request.