VWBL Tutorial App

This project was created for the purpose of learning VWBL SDK( https://github.com/VWBL/VWBL-SDK

The required UI is already in the template, so you can concentrate on learning the SDK.

Step-By-Step Learning

You can learn VWBL SDK step by step.

Through the following documents, you can create a NFT Minting App that can issue, list, display details (including decrypted data), and send VWBL NFTs.

Let's become a more advanced NFT engineer with a VWBL NFT, which allows only those who have it to see secret content!

Teaching Materials:

Status of Each Branch:

  • main:all implementations are finished

  • Lesson-0:start here for step-by-step learning

  • Lesson-1 ~ Lesson-7:a completed version of each lesson in the above materials.