Codewars Clone a.k.a CLONEWARS!
Team Members:
- Joshua Baert
- Sterling Chin
- Alexis Graff
- Steven Nagie
Technologies Used
Major Techs Used
- Angular 1.5
- Express
- Node
- (most javascript was written with ES2015 compiled by gulp)
- Postgres
Minor Techs used
- JQuery
- Codemirror
- Docker
- Codewars Runner Cli (Mocha)
As our final group project, we chose to clone We were given 2 weeks to complete our project. is a massive website with multiple aspects. We focused solely on the purpose of codewars: unit testing. This choice effected the content we showed in our views. For instance, the home page now is a users dashboard, omitting the social aspect of the clans.
Project Challenges
- Running tests in commandline and making sure the string being passed is valid commandline syntax.
- Receiving the response as a string and parsing the response in the correct format to pass through the service.
- Formatting the return object with the nested 'its', 'describes', & 'tests'. These were often 4 deep depending on the tests being run.
- Implmentation of the codeMirror library and its full functionality.
- We made the effort to make this Clonewars pixel perfect.
How the Site Works
Using Github OAuth . . .
See completed katas and your solutions to them . . .
Choose a random kata according to your kyu level range . . .
Complete the function . . .
run tests and see if you have passed . . .
See all the solutions for that kata . . .
List of All Katas
Sort through all of the katas and choose one to train . . .
Docker & Unit tests
To run our unit test we are using Codewars Runner CLI [link] (
We have docker installed and brought down codewars/base-runner & codewars/node-runner.. This allows us to run the code within a Docker image that protect our server from any unhealthy code that may be ran inside hopefully preventing anything from bringing down the server.
Codewars Runner uses the Mocha unit-testing framework so the test have been written in mocha.
In node we are using exec to run a CLI to invoke docker and this image and then parsing the response into an object that allows the front-end to display with the describes and its correctly