
Ansible playbook for build a server with one command

Primary LanguageJinjaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Preparing the server you want to provision with ansible

Target OS at the server

  • Debian10 buster(Recommended)
  • Centos7(Not doing much maintenance)
  • Archlinux(-_-;)

Perhaps no one will use archlinux at the server(-_-;)


Create a server from scratch

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass main.yml

Update package inside server

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass update.yml

Write directory names exist under roles you want to use at main.yml

- hosts: server
	user: "{{ username }}"
	become: yes
   	- include_tasks: vars/server.yml
    - emacs
	- git
	- nginx
	- python
	- vim
	- zsh
	- less
	- others
	- selenium

That is all.

When creating a Debian server

Create user to use with ansible as root

sudo apt-get install python openssh-server zsh bash-completion sudo
sudo useradd -m -G sudo -s /bin/zsh ansible
sudo su - ansible
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
cd .ssh/
mv id_rsa.pub authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys
curl https://github.com/masasam.keys >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ← Register public key registered with github

Return to root

sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh

Set host name

sudo hostname debian


echo 'ansible ALL=(ALL) ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo

Install ansible on your laptop or desktop

pip install --user ansible
git clone https://github.com/masasam/ansible-setup-server.git

Perform provisioning by ansible

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass main.yml

Write variables and passwords in group_vars/server.yml Encrypt server.yml in advance with the following command

ansible-vault encrypt group_vars/server.yml

What is in group_vars/server.yml (Write a password etc. here)

hostname: 'yourhost' ← Linux host name
domain: 'yourdomain' ← Main domain
domain1: 'www1.yourdomain'
domain2: 'www2.yourdomain'
domain3: 'www3.yourdomain'
domain4: 'www4.yourdomain'
username: 'ansible' ← User name ansible ssh
mailroot: 'youremailaddress' ← E-mail address to transfer root's mail
monitalert: 'youremailaddress' ← Destination of alert mail from monit
infopassword: '1e3396a8ecbc77a4cd81145c2c6b'
mariadbrootpassword: 'mariadbrootpassword' ← The password of the mariadb root user
dbname: 'yourdbbame' ← DB name used in mariadb
dbpassword: 'yourdbpassword' ← That password
docroot: '/home/html' ← Main document route for nginx
docroot1: '/home/html1'
docroot2: '/home/html2'
docroot3: '/home/html3'
docroot4: '/home/html4'

Infopassword will be the password for the email address of info@yourdomain How to make infopassword

doveadm pw
Enter new password: yourpassword
Retype new password: yourpassword



Because it is

infopassword: '913336a8ecba7764cd81245c2c6b'

Update the server only playbook

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass update.yml

When creating a Debian test container at localhost

sudo pacman debootstrap
yaourt -S debian-archive-keyring

mkdir debian
sudo debootstrap buster debian http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/debian/

sudo chroot debian
passwd root

sudo systemd-nspawn -b -D ~/debian

From here debian virtual server

apt-get install python openssh-server zsh bash-completion sudo

useradd -m -G sudo -s /bin/zsh ansible
su - ansible
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
cd .ssh/
mv id_rsa.pub authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys
curl https://github.com/masasam.keys >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ← Register public key registered with github

Return to root

systemctl enable ssh
systemctl start ssh

Set host name

hostname debian

vi /etc/hosts       localhost debian

Set up a user (group) that sudo can use

update-alternatives --config editor


echo 'ansible ALL=(ALL) ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo

Set the following in .ssh/config on your laptop or desktop

Host debiantest
					HostName localhost
					User ansible

Write at main.yml

- hosts: debiantest

Run playbook

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass main.yml

When creating a centos test container at localhost

yaourt yum
mkdir centos

sudo vim /etc/yum/repos.d/centos.repo

sudo yum -y --releasever=7 --installroot=~/centos groupinstall "Base"

sudo chroot centos
passwd root

sudo systemd-nspawn -b -D ~/centos

Create user to use with ansible as root User name should be ansible

yum install python openssh-server zsh bash-completion sudo
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/zsh ansible
su - ansible
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
cd .ssh/
mv id_rsa.pub authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys
curl https://github.com/masasam.keys >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ← Register public key registered with github

Return to root

systemctl enable sshd
systemctl start sshd

Set host name

hostname centos

vi /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 centos

vi /etc/pam.d/su

# Remove comment out
auth required pam_wheel.so use_uid

Set up a user (group) that sudo can use


#Defaults    requiretty(Confirm whether commented out)

echo 'ansible ALL=(ALL) ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo

Set the following in .ssh/config on your laptop or desktop

Host centostest
					HostName localhost
					User ansible

Write at main.yml

- hosts: centostest

Run playbook

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass main.yml