Pinned issues
- 5
Wrong background color when hovering
#286 opened by codding-y - 2
#326 opened by judyjudy2021 - 1
In English, the styling of the rollback window for configuration objects needs to be adjusted.
#377 opened by LazyEar0 - 1
#401 opened by limei7 - 1
新增应用, 创建人未取到
#403 opened by limei7 - 1
#405 opened by limei7 - 1
#409 opened by limei7 - 1
中文模式下, 报错提示建议优化为中文
#420 opened by limei7 - 1
#402 opened by limei7 - 1
#404 opened by limei7 - 0
项目团队- 项目列表-更多,左边导航编辑项目,无法保存
#406 opened by limei7 - 2
App card chip style error
#290 opened by codding-y - 1
In the English state, the button for the delete operation is identified as "DELETE".
#375 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
When you create a new environment, the name is truncated when it is moved to the upper-left corner
#349 opened by LazyEar0 - 1
- 3
Editing the project will lose the application, editing the application has no problem
#397 opened by limei7 - 0
项目团队- 更多, 点击应用, 编辑项目应用,修改名称和URL,发现名称修改成功,URL未修改成功
#407 opened by limei7 - 1
项目团队- 更多, 编辑应用后,应用卡片右下角显示的编辑时间错误
#408 opened by limei7 - 8
SeedData throw exception
#395 opened by huashao1123 - 0
The Edit button triggers the expand and close behavior of the extension panel
#386 opened by LazyEar0 - 1
- 0
Member list spacing error on team page
#284 opened by codding-y - 2
Team page app card spacing error
#287 opened by codding-y - 0
- 0
The team page has some style problems(font、scrollbar、font-weight), as follows
#289 opened by codding-y - 0
The delete icon should have three states
#293 opened by MapleWithoutWords - 0
The New Environment button is not centered
#345 opened by LazyEar0 - 2
Description The row spacing is too small because the environment or cluster is associated
#319 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
Error creating new application
#365 opened by LazyEar0 - 1
Edit application error
#361 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
Select the application type; unselected items will always have a gray background
#351 opened by LazyEar0 - 1
- 0
Change the environment/cluster, and when the change is complete, the creation time will be overwritten by the change time
#346 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
When creating/editing an app, the prompt text in the ID text field should only be displayed if the app type is "Service" and the service type is "Dapr"
#343 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
After the project/application is created successfully, the new project/application window is displayed again, and the form verification is directly triggered
#333 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
Create/edit application, fill in the URL and submit successfully, the data is not saved successfully
#340 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
When the project is not associated with a team, the mouse moves to the team avatar area and a blank tooltips appears
#334 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
New/edit project, team avatar is too large
#321 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
An error occurred when creating the environment
#318 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
Cluster number missing
#317 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
Description When creating or editing an application, the distance between the type and id is too large
#323 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
The new/Edit project/application popover is missing a scroll bar, causing the data below not to be displayed
#320 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
If you successfully create/edit the form and open the new window again, the form verification will be directly triggered
#322 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
- 0
Edit popover enter space, close popover, and then open new popover. The data in the input box is incorrect
#312 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
- 0
- 1
In project details, the environment cluster is blank
#301 opened by LazyEar0 - 1
Item Before deleting an associated environment cluster, check whether the associated environment cluster is associated with applications
#302 opened by LazyEar0 - 0
Logo error
#285 opened by codding-y