
Arbitrage between WBTC and ETH📈

Primary LanguageSolidity

Arbitrage between WBTC and ETH

【Introduction of Arbitrage between WBTC and ETH】

  • This is a solidity smart contract that allows a user to get a opportunity to execute automatic arbitrage between WBTC and ETH.


【Diagram of workflow】

【Diagram】Arbitrageur btw WBTC and ETH (1)



① Add .env file

  • Based on .env.example , you add .env file

② Install modules

$ npm install

③ Compile & migrate contracts (on Kovan testnet)

$ npm run migrate:kovan

④ Execute script (it's instead of testing)

$ npm run script:arbitrage



  • In advance (and in case of using kovan), you need to add a pair (WBTC - ETH) liquidity into uniswap pool and balancer pool.

