
My desktop environment

Primary LanguageShell



The first step is to install Arch Linux on your PC. Download the Arch Linux iso and create a USB installation disk.

$ NEW_USERNAME=masawada bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://dot.masawada.me/scripts/os_install)"

If you are using a storage with NVMe, you must specify the TARGET_DEVICE option.

$ NEW_USERNAME=masawada TARGET_DEVICE=/dev/nvme0n1 bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://dot.masawada.me/scripts/os_install)"

When the installation finishes successfully, the PC will reboot. After reboot, register a SSH key to GitHub. Create a Personal Access Token with admin:public_key permission. Run the following command and enter the PAT.

$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://dot.masawada.me/scripts/setup_github)"


Run the following command to install dotfiles

$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://dot.masawada.me/install)"