
Website to find your dream job and post offers as company.

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony Job Board Status Passing Docker build

Website to find your dream job and post offers as company.

Project goal by mascam97

Personal project to learn Symfony framework.

Due to this project does not have testing and needs some upgrades, is no longer maintained.

Achievements 🌟

As PHP Developer (with experience in Laravel) I achieved:

  • Learn Twig and the Forms.
  • Implemented entities, their relationship and CRUD (all with almost only commands).
  • Implemented authentication and register modules.
  • Managed the security, routes, entities, controllers etc.
  • Implemented design and styles (with Sass - documentation).
  • Implemented Fixtures to fill the database with fake data.
  • Implemented docker compose for a better environment.

Getting Started πŸš€

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.

Prerequisites πŸ“‹

The programs you need are:

Installing πŸ”§

Note: The database configuration are defined in .env, and it's used in docker-compose, if you want to personalize it create a copy from .env to .env.local and/or create a docker-compose.override.yml:

First create the image (php:7.4-composer-npm), the volume for the database (laravel-vue-intranet_mysql) and run the services (php, nginx and mysql):

docker-compose up

Note: You can run the last command in the background with docker-compose up -d.

Now you have all the environment ready, for the next commands you need to be inside the app container with:

docker-compose exec app /bin/bash

Then install the dependencies.

composer install
npm install

Then generate the database

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Finally, load the fake set of data into the database:

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Running the project πŸ’»

CSS files

Each time SASS files are updated you need to run:

npm run dev

To make it automated run:

npm run watch

And now you have all the environment in the port 8000.

Note: Use exit command to exit from the container, docker-compose down to delete the containers and docker volume rm symfony-job-board_mysql to delete the database volume.

Functionality βš™οΈ

  • In /register you can create an account as normal user ["ROLE_APPLICANT"].
  • There is a user with ROLE_ADMIN, its email is admin@sjb.com and password symfony.
  • As Administrator you can create companies with a normal user as reference(to log in).
  • As company ["ROLE_COMPANY"] you can create offers.
  • As normal user you can watch and apply to offer.
  • There is a user with some application, his email is user@sjb.com and password symfony.



You're free to contribute to this project by submitting issues and/or pull requests.


This personal project is licensed under the MIT License.

References πŸ“š