ASP.NET is an open source web framework, created by Microsoft, for building modern web apps and services with .NET. This is a simple, intoductory website made with ASP.NET Core. The main goal of this project is to intoduce the framework and explain how to utilize the right tools for building your ASP.NET Core website. Including Blazor components and publishing your website to Azure!
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
This is preety simple project for whcih you don't need any prior knowledge of the .NET core framework or ASP.NET. Still its better to get known the basics so that it becomes much easirer to understnd.
Check the [Useful Links](#Useful Links) to know more.
You will need these to get running.
Download Visual Studio 2019 or higher here:
Download the latest .NET Core here: (This project uses v3.1)
Clone this repo to your local machine using
Once you have cloned this project localy go to the directory or folder you have saved this project and run ContosoCrafts.sln
This will create a new project in your system and get the dependancies if any.
Deployment is cliks away. .NET core framework is crossed platformed you can run on any platform. I have Windows 10 and I have locally hosted on ISS. You can do this too. If you prefer or familiar with other architectures its will just work fine.
- ASP.NET - A framework for building web apps and services with .NET and C#.
- .NET Core - A developer platform for building websites and webapps.
- IIS - Web server for hosting.
- Brady Gaster - Initial work - bradygaster
- Kaitlin Wilkinson - Initial work - kawilkin
- Jon Galloway - Initial work - jongalloway
- Neil Mascarenhas - Updated work - mascarenhasneil
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- ProductList.razor modal code snippet:
- ProductList.razor Font-Awesome code snippet:
- ProductList.razor Server-side ratings code snippet:
- ProductList.razor SelectProduct() code snippet:
- ProductList.razor modal footer ratings code snippet:
- Create a ASP.NET Core Website:
- What is ASP.NET?
- Getting started with ASP.NET?
- GitHub Repo ASP.NET:
- Learn .NET:
- .NET Community:
- .NET Documentation:
- Hats of to Leslie Richardson and Scott Hanselman for the ASP.NET Core 101 series
- Watch the entire series here:
- Thank you bradygaster for all the Gists. It helped me a lot!