
App to export electronic invoice as mandated by the Italian Government

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

This Custom App works only with ERPNext v10.

Part of the code of this app was included in ERPNext V11. To use the updated version, please refer to ERPNext Project: https://github.com/frappe/erpnext

ERPNext Fattura Elettronica ver. 0.0.1

App to export electronic invoices as mandated by the Italian Government



Reference (document issued by Italian Government): https://www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/wps/wcm/connect/a8316033-6124-4667-99d8-ed143dc72c20/Provvedimento_30042018+.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=a8316033-6124-4667-99d8-ed143dc72c20



At scheduled time the system can generate email alerts about the documents that must be exported. The user can manage the schelude choose between (1 hour, 2 hour, or a fixed time of the day).

The user will manage the export process using a new doctype: "EFE XML Export" In this doctype the user will be able to select a period and after then can select the Documents to export The system will generate an XML file for every Customer;

The XML file will be complaint to: http://www.fatturapa.gov.it/export/fatturazione/it/normativa/f-2.htm and will be tested here: http://sdi.fatturapa.gov.it/SdI2FatturaPAWeb/AccediAlServizioAction.do?pagina=controlla_fattura

These files can be used to send electronic invoices to SDI using a service like this: https://guide.pec.it/fatturazione-elettronica/menu-carica-fattura/upload-fatture-in-formato-xml.aspx

This software is a Frappe Custom App but will be part of the Italian Localization


Company Setup:
  • Set Tax ID (Partita IVA)
  • Set Regime Fiscale
  • Set Company Address (Address Line 1, City/ Town, State (Provincia), Pincode (CAP))
Chart of accounts Setup:

If you need to use other kind of taxes, different from 22%, you can add it on the Item Master -> Item Tax. If you set to 0% it will ask to you the Natura.

Customers Setup:
  • Codice Destinatario (by default 0000000)
  • if Codice Destinario is 0000000, PEC Destinatario is mandatory
  • Tax ID (Partita IVA)
  • Set Customer Address (Address Line 1, City/ Town, State (Provincia), Pincode (CAP))
Items Setup:
  • Create some Items, optionally setting the in the Item Tax section, a different Tax Account instead 22%
Sales Invoices Setup:
  • Customer
  • Insert some Items
EFE XML Export:
  • Type of Document
  • Company
  • From Date
  • To Date Export

How to Test

If you find an error or you're not able to validate your XML files, please open an Issue. In every Issue you should write these informations:

  • If is an ERPNext Exception, please explain the procedure you did step by step;
  • If is a validation error write the Validation Code and attach the XML File;
  • In every case attach screenshots errors or other screenshots could be useful for debug;

ERPNext Customization

Doctype updates:

  • Company
  • Customer Group
  • Customer
  • Sales Invoice

New Doctypes:

  • EFE XML Export
  • Regime Fiscale
  • Tipo Documento
  • Natura


  • Complete development before the second week of November (2018)
  • Complete test before the last week of November (2018)

