
Utilities what i'm make for work

Primary LanguageShell

Slacker: Tools for Work

This repository contains handy tools for various tasks related to system administration and information gathering.

Change Port SSH

This tool allows you to change the SSH port of your system. This can be useful for security reasons by adding an extra layer of obscurity to your server.


bash change_port_ssh.sh 

Domain Info

This tool provides information about a domain, including its IP address, DNS records, and other relevant details.


bash domain_info.sh -d yourdomain
bash domain_info.sh -d yourdomain -s dnsresolver

Replace [domain_name] with the domain you want to gather information about.

Info Domain

This tool requires compilation before use. Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed by running the following commands:

pip3 install pyinstaller
pip3 install pyopenssl
pip3 install colorama
pip3 install dnspython

After installing the dependencies, compile the info_domain.py script:

pyinstaller --onefile info_domain.py

The compiled binary will be available in the dist directory. You can then move it to a directory included in your system's PATH for easy access.

Note: Ensure that Python is in your system's PATH before compiling.

Domain SSH

Perform DNS lookup from a domain and initiate SSH connections to the associated IP servers.

Usage: ./domain_ssh.sh [-d <Domain>] [-c] [-h]

  -d <domain>           Perform DNS lookup for the specified domain.
  -c                    Custom user and port to SSH after performing DNS lookup.
  -h                    Display this help message.

  ./domain_ssh.sh -d example.com -c

Windows Plesk Generate Fix License

You can run the script with the following options:

  • -d <domain_name>: Specify the server domain name.
  • -h: Display the help message.

If the -d option is not provided, the script will prompt you to enter the server domain name.


./plesk_management.sh -d example.com

Without the -d option


Reseller Usage

This script calculates and displays disk usage for each reseller (excluding 'root') on your system.


Ex. Output :

Example Output:
Copy code
Checking reseller example1
Checking reseller example2

Reseller Disk Usage:
reseller1: 10.50 GB
reseller2: 5.75 GB

Reseller Size

This script calculates usage statistics for accounts managed by a specific reseller in cPanel.

./reseller_size.sh <reseller> <mail|non-mail>

Replace <reseller> with the name of the reseller and <mail|non-mail> with either 'mail' to calculate mail usage or 'non-mail' to calculate usage excluding mail.


Calculate mail usage for a reseller named 'myreseller':

./reseller_size.sh myreseller mail

Calculate non-mail usage for a different reseller:

./reseller_size.sh anotherreseller non-mail


  • This script requires access to system files (/etc/trueuserowners, /var/cpanel/users/, etc.) typically found on cPanel systems.
  • Results are displayed in gigabytes (GB) and exclude usage results smaller than 10 megabytes (MB).


This tool have function to block all ip addresses flood suspect with csf base domlog access.


bash flood_block.sh /var/log/apache2/domlogs/[domain_name]-ssl_log

Replace [domain_name] with the domain target of flood.


These tools are provided as-is and without warranty. Use them responsibly and only on systems you are authorized to access.

Author: Dzubayyan Ahmad