
Stupid simple tool to run in a CI pipeline to or similar to detect changed files from code generators.


This might come in handy if you check in your generated code from protoc, swagger and the like, and you want to make sure the generated code in your repo did not get changed during your CI build.

What exactly

untouched executes a git command and exits with a non-zero return code if it finds files in the working tree were modified. As of now, it does not take any flags. It will ignore a few git status indicators.

What's next

This tools is not perfect, but works for a few use cases for now. If it stays useful can think of a number of flags to be added like:

  • Ignore certain folders or file(s)
  • Ignore certain file extensions
  • Adjust the git status indicators ignored
  • ... you get the whiff.

PRs welcome.