
This is a boilerplate for using Node.js with Express to host a RESTful API for a MySQL/MariaDB Database.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a boilerplate for using Node.js with Express to host a RESTful API for a MySQL/MariaDB Database.

Supports Collection and Specific Item requests over GET, POST, PUT, DELETE (PATCH not currently implemented)


Developed using a couple resources:

  1. Express (http://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html)
  2. MySQL for Node (https://github.com/mysqljs/mysql)
  3. RESTAPI Tutorial (http://www.restapitutorial.com/lessons/httpmethods.html)
  4. Router in Express 4 (https://scotch.io/tutorials/learn-to-use-the-new-router-in-expressjs-4)
  5. Build a RESTful API Using Node and Express 4 (https://scotch.io/tutorials/build-a-restful-api-using-node-and-express-4)
  6. Node 404 (http://stackoverflow.com/a/33310600)
  7. RESTful Best Practices (http://www.vinaysahni.com/best-practices-for-a-pragmatic-restful-api#advanced-queries)

Consider Using

  1. Test a Node RESTful API with Mocha and Chai (https://scotch.io/tutorials/test-a-node-restful-api-with-mocha-and-chai)
  2. Express CORS (https://github.com/expressjs/cors)


  1. npm install

  2. create a credentials.js file in the root of the repo

    module.exports = {
        host     : 'localhost',
        user     : 'me',
        password : 'secret',
        database : 'my_db'
  3. OR pass in MYSQL_HOST, etc as evnironment variables (eg. from Heroku's Config Vars)

  4. Your database needs to be setup with a table called panos

  5. Use Postman or your browser to make requests to the api, at /api/panoramas/ and /api/panoramas/:id


  1. Use whitelisted Origin header, instead of "*"
  2. Fix and Improve Route List Generation - /api/
  3. Support for Filtering, Limiting, Sorting Results
  4. Architecture decision and Routes for how we handle Panorama Categories
  5. Authentication?
  6. Implement things from Consider Using Section