Disperse files into random folders.
I needed to test a program called cprx
(copy files into a destination directory by matching against a specified regexp) from the mashz
gem I'm currently playing with.
Where file_disperse
will disperese my files into a directory tree for random times, so that I can test cprx
by checking if all those copied files are copied into
the destination directory specified to the cprx
program, Just For A Stand-Alone test inside the mashz
gem test folder.
It all was for just practice, fun and poking around so called gem
Well! I often happened to use these for my daily system tasks somehow.
Disperse/copy given files into the tree of a destination directory with random times.
It has an another class FileDisperser::FolderGenerator
by which you can create random folders inside the destination directory with spceified depth-limit and disperse-range,
means the depth-limit the generator can go to create folders and the disperse-range the generator can create folders inside a single folder.
See into Example section to have the idea of using this gem.
Clone the repository by git:
git clone https://github.com/mash-97/file_disperser.git
into file_disperser directory and run:
bundler install
for using the gem it requires. Then to install the gem run:
rake install:local
or you can do it manually by:
gem build file_disperser
gem install --local file_disperser
First let see how we can use to generate a tree of random folders inside a directory via FileDisperser::FolderGenerator
require 'file_disperser'
# Create an object of FileDisperser::FolderGenerator by giving a destination directory as it's argument.
random_folder_tree_generator = FileDisperser::FolderGenerator.new("/home/mash-97/test") # "/home/mash-97/test is my destination directory on my ubuntu
# Set the name_table list so the generator can pickup names from it. Otherwise it would go with random numbers.
# One thing to remember here is that if any of the name already exists in operating directory, the generator will find a uniq name by File::uniqFin method provided from mashz gem.
# Remember: generator takes them randomly.
random_folder_tree_generator.name_table = ["nangua", "ponkei", "genjis", "mozanzer", "hoyeo"] # Just some random folder names :D
# Set the limits, it take a hash with :disperse_range and :depth_limit.
random_folder_tree_generator.limits = {:disperse_range => (5..10), :depth_limit => 10}
# Now run the generator by calling gen_folders method
Now let's try the FileDisperser::FileDisperser.
# Create an instance of FileDisperser::FileDisperser by feeding files as a list and a destination directory
# I have three files in my /home/mash-97 folder as: fenjo.jpg, nishen.rb, korkus.jpeg.
# Let's disperese 3 copy of each of the files into /home/mash-97/test directory tree randomly.
files = ["/home/mash/fenjo.jpg", "/home/mash/nishen.rb", "/home/mash/korkus.jpeg"]
destination_dir = "/home/mash/test"
copy_numbers = 3 # create 3 copy of each of the files
file_disperser = FileDisperser::FileDisperser.new(files, destination_dir)
# Run the disperser
That's it! the result would be different on each time, cause most of the operations is based on randomness. Because I needed the RANDOMNESS!
My naming is bad. May be I'll upgrade them oneday. But who knows? But if you are eager to suggest anything, I'll definitely try yours.