
Front-end (and preview) site for single domain

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Dependency Status

Front-end (and preview) app for single domain.

This serves documents from publisher & campaign pages as well as the following:

  • /browse URLs
  • /search URLs
  • /tour
  • /foreign-travel-advice

This is a basic list. For a full overview, see config/routes.rb

JavaScript unit testing

The tests in test/javascripts will be run as part of the test:javascript task.

To run them in a browser on your local machine (useful for breakpointing):

  1. run INCLUDE_JS_TEST_ASSETS=1 bundle exec script/rails server -p 3150 --environment=test on your vm
  2. open test/javascripts/support/LocalTestRunner.html (as a static file) in your browser.

This relies on you being able to access the above server on http://www.dev.gov.uk:3150.