
Introduce how to use GraphQL to connect Django and React

Primary LanguagePython


Introduce how to use GraphQL to connect Django and React


The project is intended for engineers who want to know how to use GraphQL to connect Django and React. There is a basic GraphQL server in backend directory and GraphQL client in frontend directory.


  • Directory: backend
  • Language: Python3
  • Framework: Django with Graphene and django-graphql-auth

While this project uses Graphene, it is now advised to look into https://ariadnegraphql.org/ https://tartiflette.io/ when starting out as well.


  • Directory: frontend
  • Library: React, Apollo, Apollo Boost

Set Up

We have configured Docker on both frontend and backend apps. Running the command below will setup everything.

The database will need to be migrated, for that you can access the backend container using: docker exec -it <BACKEND_CONTAINER_ID> sh and then python manage.py migrate

Will move this into a make file in the future.

Demo Images

  • Django - GraphiQL - Mutation: Django - GraphiQL - Mutation
  • Django - GraphiQL - Query: Django - GraphiQL - Query
  • React - Mutation & Query: React - Mutation & Query