Run instructions: 1.Run the directory server first because it keeps the list of the available file_server's and whenever a file_server is initiated it advertises its presence with the directory_server. 2.Next run either the client or the file server the order does not matter here.

Setup example: python 6666 20 python 6667 20 6666 python 6668 20 6666 python 6666

Client: within the client I have managed to only fully implement two commands:

  • write -path some/path/here -data "data to be written into a file goes here"
  • get -path some/path/here

Note: I have rushed writing the distribute file system and by no means it is optimal and well designed system. In fact I believe the design is very poor. However it does implement the fundamental concepts of a distributed file server system: the directory server and the file server.

Lock Server: Unfortunately due to lack of time I have never managed to finish implementing the lock server.

Authentication Server: If I had more time I would have implement an authentication server for the system that would allow users to have seperate virtual address spaces. I would base the authentication system on the kerberos protocol.