
The DappFund.sol project is a Solidity-written Ethereum smart contract that serves as the backbone of a decentralized application (dApp) for charity purposes. It leverages the OpenZeppelin library to ensure secure and standardized development of the contract.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

DappFundsX Project Documentation

Charity Marketplace The DappFund.sol project is a Solidity-written Ethereum smart contract that serves as the backbone of a decentralized application (dApp) for charity purposes. It leverages the OpenZeppelin library to ensure secure and standardized development of the contract.

Charity Marketplace The contract is designed around two primary structures: CharityStruct and SupportStruct, representing a charity and a supporter, respectively.

Key features:

  • createCharity: Allows a user to create a new charity.
  • updateCharity: Allows the charity owner to update the details of an existing charity.
  • deleteCharity: Allows the charity owner or contract owner to delete a charity.
  • toggleBan: Allows the contract owner to ban or unban a charity.
  • donate: Allows a user to donate to a charity.
  • changeTax: Allows the contract owner to change the tax percentage.
  • getCharity: Returns a single charity by its ID.
  • getCharities: Returns all existing charities.
  • getMyCharities: Returns all charities created by the caller.
  • getSupports: Returns all supporters for a specific charity.

Running the Application

Supply the following keys in your .env variable:



Follow these steps to run the application:

  1. Install the package modules by running the command: yarn install
  2. Start the Hardhat server: yarn blockchain
  3. Run the contract deployment script: yarn deploy
  4. Run the contract seeding script: yarn seed
  5. Spin up the Next.js development server: yarn dev

Now, your application should be up and running.

📚 Key Technologies

  • 🌐 Next.js: A React framework for building server-side rendered and static websites.
  • 📘 TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript.
  • 📦 Hardhat: A development environment for Ethereum smart contracts.
  • 🌐 EthersJs: A library for interacting with Ethereum and Ethereum-like blockchains.
  • 📚 Redux-Toolkit: A library for managing application state.
  • 🎨 Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework.
  • 🌈 @rainbow-me/rainbowkit-siwe-next-auth: A library for authentication in Ethereum dApps.
  • 📝 React-Toastify: A library for adding toast notifications to your React application.
  • 📜 Swiper: A modern mobile touch slider.
  • 📚 Wagmi: A library for building Ethereum dApps.

Useful links