It is a Firebase and Mongodb integrated full stack web application where you can order grocery items online easily. If you click on buy now button you will be redirected to login page and after login you can buy products, can see your order as a consumer and you can add, manage product to your shop as an admin.
- used mongodb for database.
- used express and node.js for server side.
- used react for front-end.
- Used firebase authentication.
- Used google sign in.
- you can not go to the restricted page with out login because of private route.
- Used React Router in this project for routing.
- Used Material Ui,Bootstrap and CSS3 for design.
- It will let you order products from online.
- You can delete your order.
- If you click on buy now button you will be redirected to login page and after login you can buy products ,can see your order as a consumer and you can add ,manage product to your shop as an admin.
- You can add and delete product easily through admin panel.
- Express JS
- Node JS
- React JS
- React Router
- React Bootstrap
- Bootstrap