Frontend for Trading Service - Distributed System School Project

Table of contents

General information

This project is part of the study course Distributed Systems and Middleware (VSM) on the FH Campus Vienna. In no form is any monetization or commercialisation of this application intended!


The Project is created with:


  • install dependencies with npm install
  • to run locally on localhost:4200 use nx serve or npm start


Requirements for employee client:

  • Creation of customers containing at least firstname, lastname, address and customer id
  • Searching for customers by customer id or name (customers might not now their id)
  • Searching for available stocks
  • Buying stocks for a customer
  • Selling stocks for a customer
  • Listing/viewing all stocks of a depot of a customer including the current value by company and total value of the depot
  • Listing/viewing the current invest able amount the bank has at the stock exchange

Requirements for customer client:

  • Searching for available stocks
  • Buying stocks
  • Selling stocks
  • Listing/viewing of all stocks in his depot including the current value by company and total value of the depot