Sample Restaurants API

Project DescriptionProject SetupDocumentationAPI EndpointsAuthorsLicense

Project Description

This is a simple API test for fun

Project Setup

To run the project locally,

Clone this repo git clone

Move into the directory cd rest-api-demo

Install project dependencies bundle install

Create the databases and add some seed data rails db:migrate db:seed

Start the server rails server

Navigate on your browser to http://localhost:3000/


  1. This project depends on ruby 2.7.6
  2. For testing, Postman is recommended for it's ease of use (you can use curl if you are comfortable on the terminal)


The Project documentation can be viewed at

API Endpoints

POST /signup

Creates a new user.

Takes 4 parameters name, email, password, password_confirmation

POST /login

Logins a user

Takes 2 params email, password

GET /restaurants

View all restaurants

Uses Authorization: Bearer <token> for authorization.

Returns a list of all the restaurants

GET /restaurants/:id

View a single restaurant with the given id

Uses Authorization: Bearer <token> for authorization.

Returns the restaurant and a list of all its menus

GET /restaurants/:id/menus

View a single restaurant with the given id

Uses Authorization: Bearer <token> for authorization.

Returns a list of menus served at the restaurant

GET /restaurants/:id/menus/:id

View a single restaurant with the given id and the menu with the second id

Uses Authorization: Bearer <token> for authorization.

Returns a single menu item with the given id

POST /restaurants/:id/menus/:id

Order from the restaurant with the given id and the menu with the second id

Uses Authorization: Bearer <token> for authorization.

Returns an order for the menu given id

GET /orders

View all orders

Uses Authorization: Bearer <token> for authorization.

Returns a list of all the orders for the current user

GET /orders/:id

View the order with the given id

Uses Authorization: Bearer <token> for authorization.

Returns a single order with the given id

PATCH /orders/:id

Handles order fulfillment

Uses Authorization: Bearer <token> for authorization.

Takes a single parameter, either true or false

Returns the order with the fulfilled status using the parameter sent.


Charles Swaleh


This software is licensed under the MIT License