
How to Setup and Run

  • Download binary zip archive for maven

  • Add maven to System variables and check maven version

    mvn -version

  • Clone the project

    git clone https://github.com/mashmn/longest-word.git

  • Install all dependencies

    mvn install

  • To Run the application which finds the longest word, run LongestWordApp.java -> Run as Java Application.

  • To Run the test cases, run the test suite AllTests.java -> Run as JUnit Test or run

    mvn test

Things to notice in the Test Cases:

There are two 2 test cases:

  1. LongestWordTest.java -> to test sentence with unicode, alphanumeric and other non alphabets.
  2. FailTest.java -> Negative test case - LongestWordApp does not recognize sentence containing multiple words with same longest length.

Thank you :)