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Learning Goals

This exercise allows you to practice and apply the concepts and techniques taught in class.

Upon completion of this exercise, you will be able to:

  • Make requests to an API and handle the responses.
  • Use all 4 HTTP verbs to perform full CRUD on our resources.
  • Work with the JSON-server package to handle API functionality.



  • Fork this repo

  • Clone the forked repo

  • Open the LAB and start:

    cd lab-full-crud/frontend
    npm install
    npm run dev
  • You can press O and hit enter on the terminal to launch the vite application on the browser

- In another terminal:
cd lab-full-crud/json-server-backend
npm install
npm run dev

That will start the mock backend for the lab


  • Upon completion, run the following commands:

    git add .
    git commit -m "done"
    git push origin master
  • Create a Pull Request and submit your assignment.


Iteration 0 | test API endpoints

base URL of the API is:


The API provides the following endpoints:

Method Endpoint Response (200) Action
GET /beers [beers] Get all the beers from the DB
GET /beers/:id { beer } Get a single/specific beer
PUT /beers/:id { beer } Update the value of a specific beer
POST /beers { beer} Create a new beer
DELETE /beers/:id {} Delete a specific beer

Test the endpoints provided for this API above in postman.

Iteration 1 | BeersListPage component

First, create a component BeersListPage.jsx and the routing for it in the App.jsx

This component should make a request to the API through the endpoint that returns all the beers. Once the data is fetched display all the beers on the page

Iteration 2 | Display a single beer

In this iteration, create a BeerDetailsPage component and the routing for this component in the App.jsx .

When a user clicks on one of the beers in the list on the AllBeersPage, they should be navigated to the Beer Details page (BeerDetailsPage) where details of that specific beer should be shown.

2.1 | Access URL Parameter

To access URL parameter beerId from the browser's URL bar, use the React Router hook useParams.

Check this example if you need a reminder of how to set up the useParams hook and access the URL parameters.

2.2 | Make a request to the API

To get the beer details, you need to make a GET request to the Beers API endpoint https://ih-beers-api2.herokuapp.com/beers/:id, where :id should be replaced with the id of the selected beer.

Example: http://localhost:5005/beers/

Remember to console.log the response data to help you visualize the structure of the beer object and how the data is structured.

2.3 | Display Beer Details

The BeerDetailsPage component should display the following information about the selected beer:

  • image
  • name
  • tagline
  • first_brewed
  • attenuation_level
  • description
  • contributed_by

See Expected Result

Iteration 3 | Create a new beer

In this iteration, you will work on the AddBeerPage component in the src/pages/AddBeerPage.jsx.

When the user navigates to the /new-beer route in your react app, the AddBeerPage component should be rendered, displaying a form where the user can create new beers.

The form should include the following:

  • input:
    • Label: Name
    • Attributes: name="name" and type="text"
  • input:
    • Label: Tagline
    • Attributes: name="tagline" and type="text"
  • textarea:
    • Label: Description
    • Attributes: name="description" and type="text"
  • input:
    • Label: First Brewed
    • Attributes: name="first_brewed" and type="text"
  • input:
    • Label: Brewer's Tips
    • Attributes: name="brewers_tips" and type="text"
  • input:
    • Label: Attenuation Level
    • Attributes: name="attenuation_level" and type="number"
  • input:
    • Label: Contributed By
    • Attributes: name="contributed_by" and type="text"
  • button:
    • Text: "Add Beer"
    • Attributes: type="submit"

Note: All inputs are of type text except attenuation_level, which is of type number. This is important because the API will only accept the request if all values have the correct data types.

Once you are done creating the form, make a POST request to the API endpoint http://localhost:5005/beers/, passing all the input values in the request body as an object. The fields of the request body should have exact names so that the API can create a new beer.

If everything goes well, you will receive a 200 response from the server. 🍺

The attenuation_level value must be set to the correct data type of number. If a string is sent instead, the API will respond with a 500 error status code.

See Expected Result

Iteration 4 | EditBeerPage component

Create a component EditBeerPage.jsx and the subsequent routing for it in the App.jsx

This component will handle the updating of the value of a single beer.

  • Add a button in the previously created component BeerDetailsPage that will go to the /beers/:id/edit route.
  • In the EditBeerPage.jsx component get the initial value of the beer to be edited using the id in the parameter
  • Display the information of the beer to be edited in the form
  • Finally add a function onSubmit that will take the information of the states represnting the beer information and send a put request to edit the beer

Iteration 5 | Add Delete button

Now we have completed most of our CRUD operations with the previous iterations. The only action left is the deleting.

Lets add a button in the BeerDetailsPage component that when clicked will send a DELETE request to the API and then redirect to the BeersListPage.jsx

Bonus: Iteration 6 | Filter the beers

As the final feature, we will implement a search functionality where users can filter beers based on keywords.

the package we are using for our API is called json-server. within this package we can add some extra information to the end of our GET request to narrow down the results of our get request. In this iteration check the documentation for the json-server package for filter hint hint the values we request from the API.

json-server Official Documentation

We are done! 🏆

Awesome! If you're of legal drinking age and allowed to, feel free to celebrate with a beer! 😉 You've now become a React Warrior. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be a React Ninja!

Happy coding! ❤️