
Supplemental material for Intro to Kubernetes study group workshop

Primary LanguagePython

Supplemental material for Intro to Kubernetes study group

Create a Docker image and upload it to GCR

To build the image, go to app directory and run: docker build -t simpleapp:2.0 .

To run container locally use this command: docker run -d -p 8888:8888 simpleapp:2.0

Tag your image and push it to GCR: docker tag simpleapp:2.0 gcr.io/containers-studygroup/simpleapp:2.0 docker push gcr.io/containers-studygroup/simpleapp:2.0

Create a cluster in GKE and connect to the cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name> --zone <us-east1-b> --project <containers-studygroup>

Create deployment

Go to k8s_resources folder and run: kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Create load balancer service

kubectl apply -f service.yaml