Personalized learning notes for Flutter
Flutter | VsCode extension
flutter create proj_name
- Initialize a flutter project
flutter run
- To run the flutter project. You can also use 'Run without Debugging' option in VsCode
- Flutter is an Open Source project by Google.
- Flutter supports Google's Material Design
file contains the list of dependencies and third party packages. It is probably similar topackage.json
file in web frameworks
- Dart uses Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation which helps us perform hot reload.
- Hot reload works by injecting updated source code files into the running Dart Virtual Machine (VM).
More on that, here Hot reload in
does not happen for some reason. But works with the same widget imported from another custom widget
- Like, C and C ++, dart calls the
function by default. So, the application's workflow starts from themain()
function - Usually, the
function (from Flutter) comes within themain()
function - So, the entrypoint of a Flutter application is the
function fromlib/main.dart
- Widget is the building block of Flutter. You nest widgets and have a widget tree for your app (like a DOM tree for web (: )
is usually your root widget. It is used as a base for bringing in Material Design to your app
List of widgets from Flutter: Flutter Widget Catalog
void subtract({num1, num2}) {
num2 - num1
void calculator() {
subtract(num1: 3, num2: 10)
- Here, the named arguments are defined inside curly braces
- Positional arguments are required and cannot be skipped whereas named arguments are optional to be passed in to a function
- However this behavior can be changed
void subtract({num1, required num2}) {
num2 - num1
- Adding the
keyword makes num2 a required named argument
void subtract([a], b) {
b - a
- Positional arguments in square brackets become optional
- You can use both, positional and named arguments as parameters in the same function
class Dummy extends StatelessWidget {
const Dummy(String name, {super.key});
- The constructor function defined above only receives the parameter name. It is not assigned to any variable inside the class, so it cannot be accessed anywhere in the widget. Hence, you need to receive arguments from a function as shown below
class Dummy extends StatelessWidget {
const Dummy(String name, {super.key}) : myName = name;
final String myName;
- Here, we create a variable
and assign the parametername
. SomyName
would be accessible anywhere inside the widget - A shortcut for the same would be this:
class Dummy extends StatelessWidget {
const Dummy(this.myName, {super.key});
final String myName;
- Dart is a type-safe language (like TypeScript)
- Like JS, the root type of a datatype is an 'Object'
void add(int num1, int num2) {
num1 + num2
- Here, we've added the type for the arguments that the function must accept. Incase, any datatype other than integer is passed, then Dart will throw an error
- You can create variables with the
keyword in Dart
var name = 'Mohamed Asif';
var age; // not recommended
- Dart uses type inference, meaning that it dynamically assigns the type from the value it is assigned
- But, when a variable is declared but not initialized, the variable automatically has a type
assigned to it. Instead, we must explicitly declare the variable with the typeint age;
- But, if you specify the type you must assign the value. Or else, we can make the value of the variable optional
int age = 21; // OR int age?;
Variables can store values of any type and not just limited to Strings and Integers
- You can also create constant variables using
const age = 20;
final val = getMyAge();
- The difference between both is that,
contains values that are constant at compile-time - Where as,
can be used to store values that are constant, but picked up at run-time - Variables that are declared with
can't be re-assigned values obviouslyconst String name = 'Asif'; name = 'YourName' // error
- Even though these variables can't be reassigned, they can be mutated in memory (with the help of methods provided by Dart)
const List<String> names = [] names.add('Asif') // Works names = ['Asif'] // Error
- Even though these variables can't be reassigned, they can be mutated in memory (with the help of methods provided by Dart)
class StyledText extends StatelessWidget {
const StyledText(this.text, {super.key});
final String text;
Widget build(context) {
return Text(
style: TextStyle(
color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 255, 255),
fontSize: size,
child: StyledText('Hello World'),
- Here, we accept a text variable for our class as part of our constructor
refers to the text variable declared in the class, down below
final List<String> anyList = [];
- You need to specify the type of elements that is going to be stored in the list inside angle brackets
newList = oldList
- The above code actually creates a pointer to the old list. So both the variables point to the old list. => Text(item));
- You can use
just like in JS. It returns a new list of all the elements - You can use the spread operator incase you need to have it as seprate elements instead of a new list => Text(item))
- The
function returns anIterable
which you also can convert it to a list with.toList()
- Map is like a Dictionary in python with key value pairs
var myself = {
'name': 'Asif',
'age': 21,
- Here, the data type of the variable is
Map<String, Object>
- The value of an item in a dictionary can be accessed as follows
print(myself['name']) // 'Asif'
- You can type cast in Dart from one data type to another like this using the
String as int
- A getter function is a regular function that returns a value. This function is treated like it's a variable
- In Dart, you can create a getter function with the
// Regular Function
List<String> shuffledAnswers() {
var ans = List.of(answers);
return ans;
// Getter Function
List<String> get shuffledAnswers {
var ans = List.of(answers);
return ans;
- Notice that the parantheses have disappeared
- This function is now treated as a variable (but still as a function internally)
// Regular function print(shuffledAnswers()) // getter function print(shuffledAnswers)
- 'Icon' to use Icons
- You can wrap widgets with 'Opacity' widget to control the opacity. But has performance overhead, so not recommended
- Container is a type of widget that is commonly used for layout and styling
- Containers with no children try to be as big as possible unless the incoming constraints are unbounded, in which case they try to be as small as possible.
- The
widget by default takes up the entire height of the screen - The width of the Column is the maximum width of the children
- Even if you wrap the
widget with theCenter
widget, the behaviour remains to be the same - You can change that by adding an extra property
child: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
- Since columns are vertical, mainAxis in columns is the y-axis
- By default, the value for mainAxisSize is
- By default, the main (vertical) axis of the column takes up the entire space of the screen and the size of the cross (horizontal) axis is infinity. The size of the cross axis is not size of the screen, but of infinite width
- Similarly, it is the same case with the Row widget
- When you combine Row widget and Column widget, you get this problem of pixels breaking out of the screen
- Using
widget solves the problem in this case
children: [
- Here, the
widget takes up infinite space on the X axis (cross axis) by default. So, theExpanded
widget tells that, it needs to expand only to the width of the parent widget which is theRow
widget. As you know the X axis of the row widget takes up only the space available within the screen - This solves the problem of pixels breaking out of the screen
- There are primarily three types of buttons available:
onPressed: () {},
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 50),
child: const Text('data'),
- This adds a 50px padding on top to the button
- To add padding on all sides,
can be used. Only to add padding on required sides.only()
is used
- This widget that can be used as a dummy widget to seperate two elements
child: Column(
children: [
// Image.asset( ... )
const SizedBox(
height: 50,
// ElevatedButton( ... )
height: 300,
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(
children: [
- The
must be wrapped by a widget likeSizedBox
. When content breaks out of the SizedBox, it becomes scrollable
allows you to create inline-styles for every piece of text. It is like applying styles to<span>
text: TextSpan(
style: GoogleFonts.poppins( // Usually TextStyle() instead of GoogleFonts()
fontSize: 23,
color: const Color(0xFF75E6DA),
children: const <TextSpan>[ // List<TextSpan>
TextSpan(text: "Hello "),
text: "World",
style: TextStyle(color:,
- Here, you create a global style first, which is applied to all its children by default
- Then you add pieces of text, where you want to style seperately.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
home: Scaffold(
body: MyWidget(),
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(context) {
return const Center(
child: Text(
'Hello World',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 48,
- We create a new widget called MyWidget that extends StatelessWidget
- When extending StatelessWidget, we need to override the build method provided by StatelessWidget. When Flutter comes across our widget in the code while compiling the app, it builds the widget returned from the build() method
- context is a parameter provided by Flutter when it creates the widget
- Widget is the return type of our build method
- Note that when we use our widget, we have the parantheses after the name of our widget. This is because we are actually invoking the constructor of our widget (inherited constructor in this case)
class GradientContainer extends StatelessWidget {
const GradientContainer({myKey}): super(key: myKey);
- To StatelessWidget, we must pass a parameter called
. So we take in the named argument that is automatically passed by Flutter when we call our constructor of our custom widget, and pass it to our parent class, ie- StatelessWidget - The code can be reduced to even simpler form
const GradientContainer({super.key});
class GradientContainer extends StatelessWidget {
// Getting dynamic color values
const GradientContainer(this.gradientColors, {super.key});
// Using preset color values
: gradientColors = [
// Calling the constructor
body: GradientContainer.purple(),
- StatefulWidget is much like the StatelessWidget
- Instead of one class that contains the
method in StatelessWidget we have 2 classes in StatefulWidget - One class that contains the
method and another one that hascreateState()
method that creates the state for the widget
// Actual Widget Class
class Dice extends StatefulWidget {
// The actual widget remains const. But the constructor of _DiceState is not const (because it maintains the state which may change)
const Dice({super.key});
State<Dice> createState() {
return _DiceState();
// Class that maintains the state of the widget
class _DiceState extends State<Dice> {
var activeDiceImage = 'assets/images/dice-1.png';
void rollDice() {
setState(() {
activeDiceImage = 'assets/images/dice-5.png';
Widget build(context) {
return Column(
children: [
Image.asset( activeDiceImage ),
onPressed: rollDice,
child: const Text('Roll the Dice'),
- Here,
is the method that tells flutter to re-build the widget ie- to re-run thebuild()
method (to update the changes) - Note that the setState method accepts an anonymous function (a function with no name) as an argument.
lets you perform some initialization tasks once the object is created- So
runs only after the object is created and all the methods & variables in it have been declared
class _QuizState extends State<Quiz> {
// 1. Object Created
Widget? activeScreen; // 2. Variable Declared
void initState() {
// 3. initState() is executed
activeScreen = StartScreen(switchScreen);
- The methods and objects received in the constructor of a Stateful Widget can be accessed via the
object widget.<obj_name>
gives access to the object
class QuestionScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const QuestionScreen({super.key, required this.selectAnswer});
final void Function(String answer) selectAnswer;
State<QuestionScreen> createState() {
return _QuestionScreenState();
class _QuestionScreenState extends State<QuestionScreen> {
void nextQuestion(String answer) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
- Here, a function named
is received from the constructor - That function is accessed as
in the state class below
- It is good practice to place images under
folder - To add images, you need to register them in
# ....
- assets/images/dice-1.png
- assets/images/dice-2.png
- After registering the images, you can use them with the Image class
child: Image.asset(
width: 200,
- You can add custom font either by downloading a custom font file (.ttf) or using the google_fonts package
// Before
'My Text',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
// After
import 'package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart';
'My Text',
style: GoogleFonts.poppins(
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
- You can use icons with the standalone
class or use the.icon()
constructor if you are using it with a button
// Reset Button
style: TextButton.styleFrom(
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: const Icon(
onPressed: restartQuiz,
label: const Text('Reset Quiz'),
- Using
gives you an infinite value that you can use for dimension of an element to take up the maximum size
Can you trigger updates to StatefulWidgets from outside the widget?- How do you access arguments received from the constructor in build method for Stateful Widgets