Hello ,This site is written by Masome Mahmudi
✔a responsive website in 3 scope :
1.Desktop screen
2.Phone screen and bigger than
3.Phone screen
🌼developed by Masome Mahmodi(me)
🤖i used sass and css & HTMl
🐱🏍in this project my challeng was making the web full responsive and the other detailes on hover
🍄Available on :https://masiimc.github.io/Technolgy-website/
🔗Demo project in my linkdin : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/masome-spring_html-github-frontend-activity-7014888368563990528-hTsD?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
my social account :
instagram : @mahmudi_web
linkdein : masome-spring
codepen : @aurora_22