#Problems with RestEasy Reactive and Reactive REST Client

####Testing Reactive Version:

./mvnw test -P reactive

####Testing Resteasy Standard:

./mvnw test -P standard

Add quarkus2 to test with 2.0.0.Alpha1

##Test 1

What I expect

The CustomClientExceptionHandler should intercept the 401 response and send a 500 to callers, the response is then forwarded by RESTEasy to the calling client

What I obtain with Rest Client and RESTEasy

The MyCustomException is correctly thrown by MP Rest Client and 500 is sent to the caller by RESTEasy.

What I obtain with Reactive Rest Client and RESTEasy Reactive

No Handler is called a 204 is returned to the client (???!!!!)

##Test 2

What I expect

I expect the onFailer to transform the exception into a MyCustomException and the CustomClientExceptionHandler to be called

What I obtain with Rest Client and RESTEasy

The MyCustomException is correctly thrown by MP Rest Client and 500 is sent to the caller by RESTEasy.

What I obtain with Reactive Rest Client and RESTEasy Reactive

A WebClientApplicationException is received by the caller, the CustomClientExceptionHandler is not called but for some reason I ignore a MyCustomException is logged

##Test 3

What I expect

The CustomClientExceptionHandler should intercept the 401 response and send a 500 to callers, the response is then forwarded by RESTEasy to the calling client

What I obtain with Rest Client and RESTEasy

I got a RESTEASY002020: Unhandled asynchronous exception, sending back 500", but not a MyCustomException is thrown

What I obtain with Reactive Rest Client and RESTEasy Reactive

No Handler is called a 204 is returned to the client (???!!!!)

##Test 4

What I expect

REST Client should invoke the remote method with the correct headers, and the response should contains all header

What I obtain with Rest Client and RESTEasy

Work as expected

What I obtain with Reactive Rest Client and RESTEasy Reactive


java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "Object.getClass()" because the return value of "javax.ws.rs.core.Response.getEntity()" is null

I also verified this into a filter, even context.getEntityStream() is null

##Test 5

What I expect

Same as Test 4 but reactive

What I obtain with Rest Client and RESTEasy

Work as expected

What I obtain with Reactive Rest Client and RESTEasy Reactive

No headers are sent into the request