#Problems with RestEasy Reactive and Reactive REST Client
####Testing Reactive Version:
./mvnw test -P reactive
####Testing Resteasy Standard:
./mvnw test -P standard
Add quarkus2 to test with 2.0.0.Alpha1
##Test 1
The CustomClientExceptionHandler should intercept the 401 response and send a 500 to callers, the response is then forwarded by RESTEasy to the calling client
The MyCustomException is correctly thrown by MP Rest Client and 500 is sent to the caller by RESTEasy.
No Handler is called a 204 is returned to the client (???!!!!)
##Test 2
I expect the onFailer to transform the exception into a MyCustomException and the CustomClientExceptionHandler to be called
The MyCustomException is correctly thrown by MP Rest Client and 500 is sent to the caller by RESTEasy.
A WebClientApplicationException is received by the caller, the CustomClientExceptionHandler is not called but for some reason I ignore a MyCustomException is logged
##Test 3
The CustomClientExceptionHandler should intercept the 401 response and send a 500 to callers, the response is then forwarded by RESTEasy to the calling client
I got a RESTEASY002020: Unhandled asynchronous exception, sending back 500", but not a MyCustomException is thrown
No Handler is called a 204 is returned to the client (???!!!!)
##Test 4
REST Client should invoke the remote method with the correct headers, and the response should contains all header
Work as expected
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "Object.getClass()" because the return value of "javax.ws.rs.core.Response.getEntity()" is null
I also verified this into a filter, even context.getEntityStream() is null
##Test 5
Same as Test 4 but reactive
Work as expected
No headers are sent into the request