
Fn-keys not working - Thinkpad E14-15 AMD Gen 2

Primary LanguageShell


Fn-keys not working - Thinkpad E14-15 AMD Gen 2

This script will fix non-working fn keys, sleep mode when the lid is closed and the battery is connected.

Upgrade your kernel to version 5.8-5.9:

Link: ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh

Script instruction:

  1. Download script
  2. Make it executable
  3. Run sudo ./thinkpad-e15-gen2-firmware-fix.sh --grub-setup-dsdt
  4. Reboot


If in your system bash:

Replace #!/bin/sh with #!/bin/bash in script

###If this dosent run well and create a grub config do the steps given below (tried in Ubuntu 20.04.2):

  1. After downloading the script, you need to run sed -i -e 's/\r$//' ./thinkpad-e15-gen2-firmware-fix.sh to strip out ^M in the file

  2. You need to run the following commands to install acpidump

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install acpidump

thanks to @sysintelligent from lenovo forums for this .


Make sure you have acpica installed (pacman -S acpica) and run thinkpad-e15-gen2-firmware-fix_arch.sh instead. Tested with kernel 5.12.10-arch1-1. Normally the ^M aren't present in this script, but if you get an error related to this then see above. NOTE: The script uses #!/usr/bin/bash as a crunchbang since it's the common Arch location for bash. You have to change it if you use another interpreter/it is located elsewhere!


sudo dnf install acpidump -y Run the script named thinkpad-e15-gen2-firmware-fix_fedora.sh and it should work . Tested in fedora 33 with 5.10.18 kernel.

Pop Os

Pop os uses systemd-boot . So first we need to install grub . For that you can follow this video : https://youtu.be/wLOZfT0732Y Then donwload the script for pop , make it executable and then run as : sudo ./thinkpad-e15-gen2-firmware-fix_pop.sh --grub-setup-dsdt


forums.lenovo.com thread

Supported BIOS: 1.8 - 1.10

Link: driver-list

My system: Ubuntu 20.04 kernel 5.9.16

Thanks for attention