
Awesome CLI tool for fetching JWT tokens for OAuth2.0 clients

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Often times when debugging security for your web-applications you need to quickly get the access token from your Identity provider (e.g. Keycloak) and fire a GET/POST request to your backend server using curl or httpie. Some people use Postman, some do it manually. Both approaches are time-consuming and nerve-wracking. Brauzie was designed with an idea of a fast and simple CLI tool for fetching access tokens for Keycloak public and confidential clients. It also frees you from the necessity of copy/pasting/decoding your JWT tokens on https://jwt.io.


  • easy-to-use CLI
  • obtains and decodes JWT tokens
  • support for public and confidential client types
  • saves JWT token to ~/.brauzie/jwt.json
  • saves identity info about the user to ~/.brauzie/id-token.json
  • shows identity info in the browser
  • can be used for k8s authentication (see here)
  • tested with the latest Keycloak (v5, v6)


npm i -g @maslick/brauzie


1. Authorization Code flow

For this to work you will need to register a new public client in Keycloak. Then set your configuration via environment variables:

export BRAUZIE_KC_URL=https://auth.maslick.ru
export BRAUZIE_REALM=brauzie

Then you can login/logout:

brauzie login
brauzie logout

2. Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant flow

Create a new or use the existing confidential client. Make sure to toggle the Direct Access Grants Enabled switch to ON. Then set the respective environment variables:

export BRAUZIE_KC_URL=https://auth.maslick.ru
export BRAUZIE_REALM=brauzie
export BRAUZIE_CLIENT_ID=oidc-k8s

export BRAUZIE_CLIENT_SECRET=aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-ddddd-eeeee
export BRAUZIE_PASSWORD=password

Now you can login/logout:

brauzie login --direct-grant
brauzie logout

How it works

Brauzie uses the Authorization Code flow (see the OAuth2.0 specs). After you execute the login command, Brauzie will open up a browser window where you will have to login to your OIDC public client with username/password. Then it will exchange the authorization_code for the JWT token and save it to ~/.brauzie/jwt.json:

cat ~/.brauzie/jwt.json
  "access_token": "xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz",
  "expires_in": 300,
  "refresh_expires_in": 1800,
  "refresh_token": "zzzzz.yyyyy.xxxxx",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "id_token": "aaaaa.bbbbb.ccccc",
  "not-before-policy": 0,
  "session_state": "620a5ee7-1596-4669-ac7a-115738f2210c",
  "scope": "openid profile email"

Unless --quite is specified, Brauzie will output the access_token to stdout. It will also put the decoded id_token to ~/.brauzie/id-token.json:

cat ~/.brauzie/id-token.json
  "jti": "fffd0c04-f971-4328-8116-fa4cbabd4978",
  "exp": 1561839325,
  "nbf": 0,
  "iat": 1561839025,
  "iss": "https://auth.maslick.ru/auth/realms/brauzie",
  "aud": "web",
  "sub": "3f6d7531-cf67-4702-a62a-8efcf914d904",
  "typ": "ID",
  "azp": "web",
  "auth_time": 1561839025,
  "session_state": "c298f25b-60ac-4e55-825a-2a66cbfa0cfc",
  "acr": "1",
  "email_verified": true,
  "name": "Admin Adminović",
  "groups": [
  "preferred_username": "admin",
  "given_name": "Admin",
  "family_name": "Adminović",
  "email": "admin@admin.si"

Logout will invalidate the current user session and delete the contents of the ~/.brauzie/ directory.

For some applications browser interactions may become a burden (CLI tools, automation scripts, etc.) For this you could utilize the Direct Access Grants flow. This requires a Keycloak client of type confidential. Confidential clients are a mix of public and bearer-only. Just like bearer-only clients they contain a client-secret, and like public clients they can issue JWT tokens.

So instead of using the browser (logging in) you can specify BRAUZIE_CLIENT_SECRET, BRAUZIE_USERNAME and BRAUZIE_PASSWORD and just issue:

brauzie login --direct-grant

Advanced usage

export TOKEN=`brauzie login`
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" htts://example.com
cat ~/.brauzie | jq -r '.access_token'
cat ~/.brauzie | jq -r '.refresh_token'
TOKEN=$(cat ~/.brauzie/jwt.json | jq -r '.access_token') 
http http://httpbin.org/get  "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
echo $(cat ~/.brauzie/id-token.json | jq -r '.name')


  • Import sample-realm.json to your Keycloak instance.
  • Add user/s via Keycloak web console.
  • If you intend to use Brauzie for k8s auth/authz, put the user in question to one of the groups: cluster-admins or cluster-users.