
UCF CAP4453 Robot Vision - Fall 2019

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UCF CAP4453 Robot Vision with Dr. Niels Da Vitoria Lobo - Fall 2019

Respository contains my implementations of Sobel and Canny Edge Detection algorithms


Compile m_sobel.c and run using:

$sobel.exe inputName.pgm (int) lowThresh (int)highThresh

Example usage:

$sobel.exe garb34.pgm 20 120


Compile m_canny.c and run using:

$m_canny.exe inputFile.pgm out1.pgm out2.pgm out3.pgm (int)sigmaThreshold (int)percentThreshold

Example usage:

$m_canny.exe garb34.pgm out1.pgm out2.pgm out3.pgm 1 10


  • m_sobel.c and m_canny.c are intended to run on a 256x256px grayscale image in .pgm format.
  • Compiled and ran on windows, never tested on Ubuntu/Mac so when compiling or running YMMV

Sobel And Canny Results

Input Image

Sobel Input

Sobel Final Output

Sobel Output

Canny Marking Candidates

Canny Candidates

Canny Final Output

Canny Output