
mysh - my shell for Operating Systems course

Primary LanguageC++

mysh - my shell for Operating Systems course

repeat 100 xterm -bg red






  • movetodir <dir> - change directory
    • ex: movetodir /home/mykola/projects/OS/mysh
    • ex: movetodir ../../projects/OS/homework/
  • history [-c] - command history. -c to clear
    • ex: history -c
  • run program [parameters] - run a program in foreground
    • ex: run /usr/bin/xterm -bg green
    • ex: run ls -l
  • background program [parameters] - run a program in background
    • ex: background /usr/bin/xterm -bg green
  • repeat n command - repeat specified command n times
    • ex: repeat 5 /usr/bin/xterm -ng red
  • exterminate <PID> - kill process with PID
    • ex: exterminate 16010
  • exterminateall - kill all background processes
  • whereami - print current working directory
  • byebye - terminate the shell


Written as a homework for COP4600. I spent a little too much time organizing the system architecture and planning for extensibility before realized that at this rate the code will be three thousand lines long. So I went for a more limited, but stable implementation.

I utilized something that resembles the Command pattern from This amazing Game design patterns book.

Tested with g++ 9.3.0 on Ubuntu 20