
Beautiful toast notifications for Laravel / Livewire.

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Beautiful toast notifications for Livewire

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Toaster provides a seamless experience to display toast notifications in your Livewire powered Laravel apps.

Unlike many other toast implementations that are available, Toaster makes it effortless to dispatch a toast notification from either a standard Controller or a Livewire Component. You don't have to think about "flashing" things to the session or "dispatching browser events" from your Livewire components. Just dispatch your toast and Toaster will route the message accordingly.


Toaster Demo


PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3
1.0 - 2.0.3
2.1 * - ∞
L10 L11
1.0 - 2.1 *
2.2 - ∞

* feature complete


Looking for v1 docs? Click here.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require masmerise/livewire-toaster

You can publish the package's config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=toaster-config

This is the contents of the toaster.php config file:

return [

     * Add an additional second for every 100th word of the toast messages.
     * Supported: true | false
    'accessibility' => true,

     * The vertical alignment of the toast container.
     * Supported: "bottom", "middle" or "top"
    'alignment' => 'bottom',

     * Allow users to close toast messages prematurely.
     * Supported: true | false
    'closeable' => true,

     * The on-screen duration of each toast.
     * Minimum: 3000 (in milliseconds)
    'duration' => 3000,

     * The horizontal position of each toast.
     * Supported: "center", "left" or "right"
    'position' => 'right',

     * Whether messages passed as translation keys should be translated automatically.
     * Supported: true | false
    'translate' => true,

Preparing your template

Next, you'll need to use the <x-toaster-hub /> component in your master template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- ... -->

    <!-- Application content -->

    <x-toaster-hub /> <!-- 👈 -->

Configuring scripts

After that, you'll need to import Toaster at the top of your resources/js/app.js bundle to start listening to incoming toasts:

import './bootstrap';
import '../../vendor/masmerise/livewire-toaster/resources/js'; // 👈

// other app stuff...

Tailwind styles

Note Skip this step if you're going to customize Toaster's default view.

Toaster provides a minimal view that utilizes Tailwind CSS defaults.

If the default toast appearances suffice your needs, you'll need to register it with Tailwind's purge list:

module.exports = {
    content: [
        './vendor/masmerise/livewire-toaster/resources/views/*.blade.php', // 👈

Otherwise, please refer to View customization.

RTL support


LTR will be assumed regardless of whether you apply the ltr attribute or not.

If your app makes use of an RTL language such as Arabic and Hebrew, don't forget to add the rtl attribute to the document root:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="rtl"> <!-- 👈 -->

This will make sure the UI elements (such as the close button) are flipped and the text is properly aligned.


Sending toasts from the back-end


Toaster supports the dispatch of multiple toasts at once, you are not limited to dispatching a single toast.


The standard recommended way for dispatching toast messages is through the Toaster facade.

use Masmerise\Toaster\Toaster;

final class RegistrationForm extends Component
    public function submit(): void
        Toaster::success('User created!'); // 👈

If you need fine-grained control, you can always use the PendingToast class directly to which Toaster proxies its calls:

use Masmerise\Toaster\PendingToast;

final class RegistrationForm extends Component
    public function submit(): void
        $user = User::create($this->form);
        // 👇
                fn (PendingToast $toast) => $toast->message('Admin created')
                fn (PendingToast $toast) => $toast->message('User created')


You can make any class Toastable to dispatch toasts from:

use Masmerise\Toaster\Toastable;

final class ProductListing extends Component
    use Toastable; // 👈

    public function check(): void
        $result = Product::query()
            ->tap(new Available())
        if ($result < 5) {
            $this->warning('The quantity on hand is critically low.'); // 👈


Whenever you return a RedirectResponse from anywhere in your app, you can chain any of the Toaster methods to dispatch a toast message:

final class CompanyController extends Controller
    /** @throws ValidationException */
    public function store(Request $request): RedirectResponse
        $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [...]);
        if ($validator->fails()) {
            return Redirect::back()
                ->error('The form contains several errors'); // 👈
        return Redirect::route('dashboard')
            ->info('Company created!'); // 👈

This is, of course, not limited to Controllers as you can also redirect in Livewire Components.

Dependency injection

If you'd like to keep things "pure", you can also inject the Collector contract and use the ToastBuilder to dispatch your toasts:

use Masmerise\Toaster\Collector;
use Masmerise\Toaster\ToasterConfig;
use Masmerise\Toaster\ToastBuilder;

final readonly class SendEmailVerifiedNotification
    public function __construct(
        private ToasterConfig $config,
        private Collector $toasts,
    ) {}
    public function handle(Verified $event): void
        $toast = ToastBuilder::create()
            ->message("Thank you, {$event->user->name}!")

Sending toasts from the front-end

You can invoke the globally available Toaster instance to dispatch any toast message from anywhere:

<button @click="Toaster.success('Form submitted!')">

Available methods: error, info, warning & success

Automatic translation of messages


The translate configuration value must be set to true.

Instead of doing this:

    Lang::get('path.to.translation', ['replacement' => 'value'])

Toaster makes it possible to do this:

Toaster::success('path.to.translation', ['replacement' => 'value']);

You can mix and match without any problems:

Toaster::info('user.created', ['name' => $user->full_name]);
Toaster::info('You now have full access!');

You can do whatever you want, whenever you want.



The accessibility configuration value must be set to true.

Toaster will add an additional second to a toast's on-screen duration for every 100th word. This way, your users will have enough time to read toasts that are a tad larger than usual.

So, if your base duration value is 3 seconds and your toast contains 223 words, the total on-screen duration of the toast will be 3 + 2 = 5 seconds

Unit testing


If you make use of automatic translation of messages, you should assert whether the translation keys are passed along correctly instead of the human readable messages that are replaced by Laravel's translator. Otherwise, your tests are going to fail as the messages are not translated during unit testing.

Toaster provides a couple of testing capabilities in order for you to build a robust application:

use Masmerise\Toaster\Toaster;

final class RegisterUserControllerTest extends TestCase
    public function users_can_register(): void
        // Arrange
        // Act
        $response = $this->post('users', [ ... ]);
        // Assert

Extending behavior

Imagine that you'd like to keep track of how many toasts are dispatched daily to display on an admin dashboard. First, create a new class that encapsulates this logic:

final readonly class DailyCountingCollector implements Collector
    public function __construct(private Collector $next) {}

    public function collect(Toast $toast): void
        // increment the counter on durable storage


    public function release(): array
        return $this->next->release();

After that, extend the behavior in your AppServiceProvider:

public function register(): void
        static fn (Collector $next) => new DailyCountingCollector($next)

That's it!

View customization

Even though the default toasts are pretty, they might not fit your design and you may want to customize them.

You can do so by publishing Toaster's views:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=toaster-views

The hub.blade.php view will be published to your application's resources/views/vendor/toaster directory. Feel free to modify anything to your liking.

Available viewData

  • $alignment - can be used to align the toast container vertically depending on the configuration
  • $closeable - whether the close button should be rendered by the Blade component
  • $config - default configuration values, used by the Alpine component
  • $position - can be used to position the toasts depending on the configuration
  • $toasts - toasts that were flashed to the session by Toaster, used by the Alpine component


You must keep the x-data and x-init directives and you must keep using the x-for loop. Otherwise, the Alpine component that powers Toaster will start malfunctioning.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email support@muhammedsari.me instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.