
  • Get GHC and Haskell-stack

    • Brew
      • brew install ghc haskell-stack
      • brew install gobject-introspection gtk+ gtk+3
  • Clone and Build

    • Set up stack directory:

      • add PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin to your .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, or whatever shell you use
    • git clone

    • cd all-the-functions

    • make sure PATH includes ~/.local/bin, else export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

    • stack install

    • wait for a really long time because Haskell sucks

  • RUN!

    • make sure PATH includes ~/.local/bin, else export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
    • cd all-the-functions
    • stack exec Picksell