
Decentralized freelancing platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Freelancing Platform

The freelancing platform is a decentralized platform on the Ethereum Blockchain for freelancers and employers.


An employer adds a project including a name and a price. The newly created project's status is Open. The employer also sends the price in Ether to the smart contract as a guarantee. A freelancer could pick a project with the status Open. As the freelancer picks the project, the project's status changes to Not Done. After completing the project, the freelancer could commit the project, and the project's status changes to Done. If the employer verifies the project by closing it, the smart contract will send the price to the freelancer, and the project's status will change to Close.



install truffle

sudo npm install -global truffle

On Windows: before you install truffle ensure you install windows-build-tools

npm install -global --production windows-build-tools
npm install -global truffle

For installing project requirements simpley run the command in the project root directory

npm install

Deploy the contract to the ganache network

Run ganache-cli network with the bellow configuration that is written in the `truffle-config.js"

   development: {
		host: "",     // Localhost (default: none)
		port: 8545,            // Standard Ethereum port (default: none)
		network_id: "*",       // Any network (default: none)

Compile and deploy the contracts

truffle compile
truffle migrate --reset

Once the block containing the contract has been added to the chain, we can test it:

truffle test

run the web interface

To start the web interface on http://localhost:3000/ run this command in the project directory. The interface connects to the smart contract which has been deployed on the ropsten test network.

npm start

Also the web interface is hosted on IPFS network and you can access it through the bellow link.
