
A React.js countdown component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Deployed to Netlify: See It Here

General Improvements by Mason:

  • Deployed to Netlify
  • Addition of Tailwind.css via CDN
    • I added this because I want to be able to quickly style components in a smart way but I also still want to have every control over how I am styling it. We could bring in a tool or a react library, but I believe if we can build it / style it ourselves, then I think it's better to go that route. I chose to use tailwind because they take care of browser tags, backwards compatability, etc but still gives me full control of how I am styling an element. In styles being class based, I moved all classNames into variables to eliviate the need to have to change everything in line.
    • I chose to use a CDN because it gives the team an easy way to try out a new tool and gives us an easy way to uncouple it from our codebase if we feel the need.
  • Addition of styling and conditional styling
  • Addition of a Cake component
  • Other tydying up, more details below.

Suggested Further Improvements with more time:

  • Change so you do not have to keep updating the birthday year. allow the component to take in the person's actual birthday with the year they were born. Calculate remaining time left from current year by determining negative values. If the Birthday has passed, then set the Birthday countdown for next year.
  • Change the class components to functions and use hooks

Improved countdown

The below component was designed to count down the days until our CTO's birthday, but it still needs some work. How can you make the implementation better?

Do a critique: The current implementation isn't perfect. How could it be improved?

Pick an area of improvement to implement.

  • I will do some additions and add some additional styles via Tailwind.css

What would happen to the current code if the date were changed, the page layout was changed or the format was changed?

  • Currently the birthday that is being passed is 2020-12-24T00:00:00 as a string to the Countdown component as date. this is causing the current countdown to be negative because it is passed that date. I changed it to 2021-12-24T00:00:00 to update the year. it won't work if no date is passed down, it will give us NaN. Currently, it's built so you will need to keep updating the passed down year. I would suggest a refactor so this isn't the case. I thought about doing it but because it works now, I hesitate to take it apart to rebuild as I anticipate that taking a few hours to make sure it works correctly.

Does the current implementation follow best practices for HTML, CSS, JS and React?


  • changed all " to '
  • removed a ,


  • removed what was there, there was some padding
  • added tailwind.css and implemented my styles that way


  • removed some unused things like miliseconds
  • changed some " to ' in tje jsx


  • this is still using Class componenets. I would suggest a refactor to function components
  • the component I added, Cake, uses function components

Spice it up: Let's be honest, this countdown could be a whole lot more exciting.

What could you do to create a greater sense of urgency?

  • as the birthday approaches, the color will change

How would you make this countdown more aesthetically pleasing?

  • added some styling and spacing, see it working to see

Trust your design instincts, and explain how your design choices impact the user experience

  • easier to read and access it's information

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yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

yarn build

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yarn eject

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You don’t have to ever use eject. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn’t be useful if you couldn’t customize it when you are ready for it.

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Code Splitting

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Analyzing the Bundle Size

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Making a Progressive Web App

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Advanced Configuration

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This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/deployment

yarn build fails to minify

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