Written by Mason Smith masonium@gmail.com
cl-autodiff is a library for automatic differentiation of mathematical functions. [Automatic Differentiation](http://www.autodiff.org) is a technique whereby derivatives of function are computed to machine precision, without the need for programming the derivative explicitly and without resorting to numerical approximation.cl-autodiff, specifically, is an implentation of forward accumulation automatic differentiation. This has some performance implications, noted in Limitations.
It is licensed using the LLGPL, which should be included with a copy of this distribution. If you find a use for cl-autodiff, be sure to let me know.
cl-autodiff is installable via ASDF. Simply make a symbolic link to cl-autodiff.asd in your ASDF directory, and use `(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-autodiff)` to compile and load the program. Alternatively, if you use clbuild, you can add cl-autodiff to your wnpp-projects file. The repo is located at:http://github.com/masonium/cl-autodiff.git
as you would DEFUN
to define mathematical functions.
For instance, p(x) = 3*x^2 - 2*x + 1
CL-USER> (define-with-derivatives p (x) (+ (* 3 (expt x 2)) (* -2 x) 1))
>> P
When you evaluate P at point now, P returns both the value and the derivative at that point.
CL-USER> (p 3)
>> 22
Note that the second value is a vector. DEFINE-WITH-DERIVATIVES
computes the gradient, so your function can have any number of inputs. For instance, take q(x, y, z) = cos(xy) - ysin(z)
CL-USER> (define-with-derivatives q (x y z) (- (cos (* x y)) (* y (sin z))))
>> Q
CL-USER> (q pi 1 (/ pi 2))
>> -2
#(0 -1 0)
works with virtually all analytic* Common Lisp math functions. It also works seamlessly with complex numbers.
CL-USER> (define-with-derivatives r (z) (* z (sqrt z)))
>> R
CL-USER> (r #C(0.0 1.0))
>> #C(-0.70710677 0.70710677)
#(#C(1.0606601 1.0606601))
To a reasonable extent, it understands let, labels, etc. as well. One can even define recursive functions, assuming the underlying function is differentiable.
CL-USER> (define-with-derivatives recur-cube (x)
(labels ((f (x n)
(if (> n 0) (* x (f x (1- n))) 1)))
(f x 3)))
CL-USER> (recur-cube 2)
Note that you can also use your user-defined functions in other functions.
CL-USER> (define-with-derivatives sixth-power (x)
(let ((y (recur-cube x)))
(* y y)))
also does what you would expect.
CL-USER> (funcall (lambda-ad (x y) (/ (expt x 3) (expt y 3))) 2 2)
>> 1
#(1.5 -1.5)
The only way of defining functions with automatic derivatives is with the
macro. As of yet, there is no equivalent ofLABELS
orfor it.LAMBDA
doesn't have the syntactic leeway thatLAMBDA
does. In particular, neither((lambda-ad (x) x) 1)
nor(funcall #'(lambda (x) x) 1)
will work. -
does not handle some special forms very well. Theoretically it can handle do loops, for instance, but I haven't tested it. The problem is thatDEFINE-WITH-DERIVATIVES
does nothing to a form it doesn't recognize. An alternate (and probably more effective) approach would be to assume that, for any unrecognized form, the subforms should be parsed. I'll probably change this in a few versions. -
should be able to handle all macros, special forms, etc., but the functionality has not been tested at all. In fact, testing overall is rather limited. -
can handle lambdas, but it CANNOT handle #'. So, for instance, (funcall (lambda (x) (+ x 3)) y) should differentiate fine (w/rt y, of course), but (funcall #'+ y 3) won't work at all. -
Partial derivatives are implemented by passing them around throughout the function evaluation. A better approach would be to use reverse accumulation, rather than forward accumulation.
In general, if you stick with the built in mathematical operators, labels, flets, let*, lets, and lambdas, you should be fine. As far as I can tell, if you can compile/evaluate a form and get an answer at all, it will probably be correct.
* [labels/flet]-with-derivatives-
Thorough unit testing
Experiment with an operator overloading version
- would require non-standard functions (ad-+, ad-sin, etc.)