
This repo contains some common templates to make team communication clear and more effecient. It includes,

  • commit templates
  • pull request templates
  • code review replies

Commit Templates

The git commit template (.gitmessage) is set in your git configuration.

  template = ~/path/to/.gitmessage

Pull Request Templates

GitHub uses a template when they exist in your repository. You can place the pull_request_template.md in a .github folder in the root of your repository.

Code Review Replies

The replies folder contains some categorization for common issues in pull requests. The categories are based on Google's best practices. You can configure them as replies in github.

Other Useful Configuration

The following is a list of other useful configuration for teams.


As a <personas>, I want <a goal> so that <benefit>.


Labels in github work best if they are categoriezed by color.

Theme Label Color
Status Development #0075ca
Status Design #0075ca
Status Requirements #0075ca
Blocker Blocked: Product #d73a4a
Blocker Blocked: Development #d73a4a
Blocker Blocked: Test #d73a4a
Defect Bug #CCCC4E
Defect Security #CCCC4E
Type Feature #7057ff
Type Chore #7057ff
Type Bug #7057ff
Improvement Refactor #cfd3d7
Improvement Usability #cfd3d7
Improvement Optimization #cfd3d7
Filler < 15 #f9bdd4
Filler < 30 #f9bdd4
Filler < 45 #f9bdd4


In slack, it is often difficult to determine who has ownership of a group message. A good way to handle this is by making a triage channel.

There are a few rules of a triage channel.

  1. All messages in the root are categorized.
  2. Each day a 👩‍✈️ is assigned to categorize and respond to issues.
  3. People agree to use some common emojis to indicate the status of an item.

A team can agree to the categories that work best for them. Here are some suggestions.

  • ❓{ General question }
  • 🐛 { Bug report }
  • 😂 { Fun }
  • 🛑 { Blocker }
  • 📘 { Today I learned }
  • 🔥 { Emergency }

The channel captain is responsible for adding 👀 when they are looking at an issue and a ✅ when it is resolved. The channel captain will thread all responses and can reach out for additional help.