
Stanford Stratified Structure Solver - Electromagnetic simulator for layered periodic structures

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

If you are looking for a more user-friendly interface to S4 (wavelength-dependent calculations, material management etc.), check out my Python3 package RayFlare

Installation instructions (64-bit Ubuntu 16/18/20 or MacOS):

Key steps:

git clone https://github.com/phoebe-p/S4
cd S4
make boost
make S4_pyext

make boost automatically downloads and compiles the relevant Boost libraries in the local S4 directory. This version of boost will be automatically linked when compiling during make S4_pyext. If you want to use Boost libraries in a different location you will have to edit the Makefile.

Installing relevant libraries etc.:

On Ubuntu (with a working version of Python3):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install make git gcc g++
sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev libfftw3-dev libsuitesparse-dev
  • libopenblas installs OpenBLAS, to satisfy the LAPACK and BLAS requirements
  • lib fftw3 install FFTW3, to satisfy the FFTW requirements
  • libsuitesparse install libraries to satisdy CHOLMOD & related requirements

On MacOS using Homebrew:

brew install fftw suite-sparse openblas lapack

You can get the make and git commands from homebrew, or through Apple Developer Tools. If the packages are installed/symlinked by Homebrew to the default location (/usr/local/include) you should not have to modify the Makefile, and you should be able to use the same Makefile as Ubuntu/Linux (i.e. no need to use Makefile.osx).

If you have multiple Python versions, you make need to modify the S4_pyext part of the Makefile:

pip3 install --upgrade ./

to e.g.:

[path of target python or virtual environment] setup.py install

You can install S4 into a virtual environment automatically by just activating that environment in your terminal before running make S4_pyext.

See here for more extensive instructions.

S4: Stanford Stratified Structure Solver (http://fan.group.stanford.edu/S4/)

A program for computing electromagnetic fields in periodic, layered structures, developed by Victor Liu (victorliu@alumni.stanford.edu) of the Fan group in the Stanford Electrical Engineering Department.

See the S4 manual, in doc/index.html, for a complete description of the package and its user interface, as well as installation instructions, the license and copyright, contact addresses, and other important information.

sajidmc: The MakefileHPC is created to compile the S4 in HPC environment without root access. Also added an example for python extension testing:

Check Wiki for details: https://github.com/sajidmc/S4/wiki Example result: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sajidmc/S4/master/examples/bontempi_et_al_Nanoscale_2017.png