Just an example what is possible with the existing open data.
List of tasks:
- Plot the Missing ET in an event (loop over events)
- Plot the Jet pT of all jets in an event (loop over an array in an event)
- Plot the Jet pT with eta cuts on the jet (loop over an array that is filtered)
- Plot the missing ET of events with at least 2 jets above 40 GeV (loop over array in event, aggregate those results to filter at event level).
- Plot missing et for events that have an opposite-sign muon pair of mass 60-120 GeV [looping on combinations of objects in one collection, 4-vector algebra]
- Plot the pt of the tri-jet system with mass closest to 172.5 GeV, and the leading b-tag discriminator among the 3 jets in the triplet [requires looping on combination of objects in the same collection, and extracting properties of a combination other than the key used to sort them]
- Plot sum of the pt of all jets of pt > 30 GeV that are not within DR 0.4 from a lepton of pt > 10 GeV [requires looping on two separate collections]
- In events with >=3 leptons and a same-flavour opposite-sign lepton pair, find the best same-flavour opposite-sign lepton pair (mass closest to 91.2 GeV), and plot the transverse mass of the missing energy and the leading other lepton [ a task whose formulation in an imperative language is easy, but whose translations to a functional query language may be less clear and/or possibly inefficient]