

This project is dedicated to the New York Citi Bike sharing program. The data which is collected end renewed monthly, can be found on the : [Citi Bike Data] ( webpage.

There are 6 datasets that were used in the analysis

  • Ride Data from New York (July 2019 - Dec 2019), a Public version of Tableau has a limit of 15 millions rows for a single dataset, therefore this dataset has a smaller time span.

Tableau Dashboards

Tableau workbook description

Total Rides Info Dashboard


  • From the total number of rides per month bar plot, it indicates between July and Septermber 2019 the total ride is keep increasing. The total number of rides starts to decrease from Octorber. This plot tells a fact that people prefer to ride citibikes in warmer days than than the colder days.

  • The bar plots based on hourly rides indicates the peak hours of rides are during commute time. People prefer to choose ride Citibikes during this time to avoid the traffic.

  • More rides happend in weekdays than weekends. This bar plot is most likely to confirm the concludsion from the peak hour plot, which indicates people prefer to choose Citi Bikes for commute.

  • Male user population are higher than female users.

  • Over 90% of the users are subscriber users.

  • The majority riders are between age 20 to 59

Station Info Dashboard


  • The top 10 start stations by ranking are:

    • Pershing Square North
    • E17 st & Broadway
    • 8 Ave & W 31 st
    • W21 St& 6 Ave
    • Broadway & E14 st
    • Boradway & E22 st
    • Christopher St & Greenwith St
    • West St & Chambers St
    • Broadway & W 60 st
    • 8 Ave & W 33 st
  • The top 10 end stations by ranking are:

    • Pershing Square North
    • E17 st & Broadway
    • 8 Ave & W 31 st
    • Boradway & E22 st
    • W21 St& 6 Ave
    • Broadway & E14 st
    • West St & Chambers St
    • Christopher St & Greenwith St
    • Lafayette St & E 8 St
    • 12 Ave & W 40 St
  • The locations of these stations are shown on the map

  • Both top 10 start stations and top 10 end stations are on Manhattan Island, which indicates the majority of the users are within this area.