
Primary LanguagePython


Crypto Trigger for Catalx and Kraken Source

Instalation Guide

1- Install Xampp

1- Install last version of Xampp
2- edit apache-httpd.conf

servername localhost:80 --> servername SERVER_IP:80

3- Restart Apache
4- Remove all things on htdocs and past HTML package on there
5- Create empty table on mySQL altcoin-trader
6- Open port 80 on windows firewall by this Help

2- Install Python

1- Install python 3.x
2- Install Pip
3- Install this Packges :

pip install selenium
pip install urllib3
pip install mysql-connector-python
pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
pip install PrettyTable

3- Install Chrome and Chrome Dirver Last versions

Adding chrome driver to system env

Donwload Chromedriver and plaace it on desktop
Add Desktop to env path no windows :
    system advanced setting 
    -> add env 
    -> path 
    > new 
    -> browse Desktop (or place of chromdriver)
notice : check Chrome version and ChromeDriver Version are the same

v 0.7

published in : 2019.08.05

- Improve Code Stabality
- Check date and re run after 24 houres
- Handle some crash error
- Convert CAD to USD and give USD exchange rate from api

v 0.6

published in : 2019.07.26

- Add ETH to Markets

v 0.5

published in : 2019.07.25

- Add config file 
- Add 24h support chart
- Add bids-asks volume
- Update span equations
- Update DB structures for improve performance
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