Master Frontend Module 5: Testing - Jest and Cypress 🧪 🧪 🧪

Introduction ✨:

  • Copy the files from the 00-boilerplate folder of the previous repository, locally.
  • Upload those files to your own repository on the master branch.
  • Remember to do the configuration for the webpack and jest aliases.
  • Create new branch called feature/laboratory-testing-mandatory.
  • Implement the mandatory exercises.
  • Once the release is ready, you can create a pull request from the feature/lab-testing-mandatory branch to the master branch to see the new changes.
  • Lastly, deliver the lab to campus leaving said pull request open for correction.

Statement 🔥:

  • Add tests to the mapper ./src/pods/project/project.mapper.ts.
  • Add tests to the component ./src/common/components/confirmation-dialog/confirmation-dialog.component.tsx.
  • Add tests to the hook ./src/common/components/confirmation-dialog/confirmation-dialog.hook.ts.

Optional 🔥🔥🔥:

  • Create new branch called feature/laboratory-testing-optional starting from the previous branch feature/laboratory-testing-mandatory.
  • Add test to component ./src/common/components/spinner/spinner.component.tsx.
  • Add CI pipeline (continuous integration) with Github Actions ß·, for unit tests.
  • Add e2e tests using Cypress 🌳🌳🌳 from a scene. You can choose any of the available ones (login, submodule-list, employee-list, employee, project-list, project).
  • Add CI pipeline (continuous integration) with Github Actions ß· for e2e. You can even use the same pipeline as unit tests.