
NLP Visualization/Augmentation techniques using fast api to implement.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🧙🔤 Text Wizard

model image We are using Fast api for Our EDA and feature extractions

this project is a fun weekend project which mainly focus on NLP visualization. Thanks to Sajjad for his data augmentation technique (Back translation).

In this project We used some amazing tools to experience something new. Now Let's see What we have:


Installation 🔧

First I recommend you use virtual env. then install the libs. to create a virtual env : python3 -m venv $HOME/tmp/text_wizard_venv/

to install all dependencies just use

pip3 install requirements.txt

but if you are curios about libraries this is the list :

  • fast api
  • seaborn
  • arabic_reshaper
  • python_bidi
  • scikit-learn
  • python-multipart
  • mtranslate

Doc for using features💡

first run the code

after installing all the libs then you should start it on your local host , So open your terminal (make sure your Virtual env is ON) then :

uvicorn main:app --reload

Yfor more informative data check the swagger which is created by fast api . more info (https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/)

Back Translation Api 🌐

What is back translate?

Back translation, also called reverse translation, is the process of re-translating content from the target language back to its source language in literal terms. ... A linguist translates the original source text into the new language.


now you can send Post requests to route. But make sure your request has these conditions :

  • Your request must be in JSON format
  • send your text in text parameter
  • set a list of Languages in an array. make sure your first and last index must be same and they are in same language as your text is example ['fa', 'en', 'fa'] this will translate your text to English and then bring it back to persian.

your request may be :

{ "text" : "من ندانم که چرا در قفس هیچ سگی کرکس نیست", "lang_list" : [ "fa", "en", "fa" ]


and you will have the response :

"نمی دانم چرا کرکسی در قفس نیست"

you can set any number of languages in a row and then check your results :). that's fun.

N_Gram API 🧮

what is N_Gram : In the fields of computational linguistics and probability, an n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sample of text or speech.

for this API you can send 3 kind of requests. A CSV dataset by setting column which you want to check the ngram of.

more detail about params is here :

data : the data you send to get the ngram from, you can send list of strings, one string, or dataframe but be aware if you send daataframe you must fill col param too

col_name : name of the column you want to get ngram from

ngram = set a int number for n in n-gram ( OPTIONAL, default is 2 )

output_name : name of the jpg file you will get ( OPTIONAL default is n_gram_plot )

n_most : how many of most repeated ngrams will be shown. ( OPTIONAL default is 5)

the plot image will be found in plots_images Folder. in this format output_name_someuniquestrin.jpg

if you send string this is a sample POST REQUEST to

{ "text" : "some text", "ngram" : 1, "n_most": 1, "output_name" : "some_name" }

and you get this response for all the other requests too :


if you send list of strings this is a sample POST REQUEST to

{ "text_list" : ["some text", "some text2"], "ngram" : 1, "n_most": 1, "output_name" : "some_name" }

and if you send dataframe to

you should send your request in Form . make sure your form has this fields :

col_name: str : this is the name of column file: UploadFile : this is the csv file, ngram : int : number for n, output_name : str : name for output file, n_most : int : how many of most repeated ngrams you want to see

Rare Words Api 💬

In this part you can check rare words for a text. array of text or column of a csv file.

for this API you can send 3 kind of requests. A CSV dataset by setting column which you want to check the ngram of.

more detail about params is here :

data : the data you send to get the ngram from, you can send list of strings, one string, or dataframe but be aware if you send daataframe you must fill col param too

col_name : name of the column you want to get ngram from

from_row : the words are sorted by their occurrence. how many rare words you want to see? [this row ,to number]

to_row = the words are sorted by their occurrence. how many rare words you want to see? [this row ,to number]

output_name : name of the jpg file you will get ( OPTIONAL default is n_gram_plot )

the plot image will be found in plots_images Folder. in this format output_name_someuniquestrin.jpg

if you send string this is a sample POST REQUEST to :

{ "text" : "some text", "from_row" : 1, "to_row": 3, "output_name" : "some_name" }

and you get this response for all the other requests too :


if you send list of strings this is a sample POST REQUEST to

{ "text_list" : ["some text", "some text2"], "from_row" : 1, "to_row": 3, "output_name" : "some_name" }

and if you send dataframe to

you should send your request in Form . make sure your form has this fields :

col_name: str : this is the name of column file: UploadFile : this is the csv file, "from_row" : 1, "to_row": 3, output_name : str : name for output file,

Contribute 🖇️

If you have ideas or you want add something feel free to send pull request.