
Learn computer vision tools

Primary LanguagePython

In this repository, I intend to gather tutorials for the ones that like to know more about computer vision libraries.

List of contents:

  1. Simple Image Operations:

    • cv2.imread
    • cv2.resize
    • cv2.imshow
    • cv2.waitKey
    • cv2.cvtColor
    • cv2.imwrite
    • cv2.split
    • cv2.merge
    • cv2.destroyAllWindows
  2. Simple Video Operation:

    • cv2.VideoCapture
    • cv2.VideoWriter
    • cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc
  3. Drawing on Images:

    • cv2.putText
    • cv2.circle
    • cv2.rectangle
    • cv2.line
  4. Thresholding and Bitwise Operation:

    • cv2.bitwise_not
    • cv2.bitwise_and
    • cv2.bitwise_or
  5. Rotation/Translation:

    • cv2.rotate
    • cv2.getRotationMatrix2D
    • cv2.warpAffine
  6. Edge/Corner Detection:

    • cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack
    • cv2.Canny
  7. Perspective Transform:

    • cv2.drawContours
    • cv2.getPerspectiveTransform
    • cv2.warpPerspective
  8. Object detection

    • cv2.dnn.readNet
    • cv2.dnn.blobFromImage
    • cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes
    • cv2.CascadeClassifier
  9. Object Tracking

  10. Optical Flow