
A React boilerplate with Router and Babel

Primary LanguageCSS

How to add a new page

  1. Create a jsx file: go the directory component/page/ and create a new page with name and jsx extension

  2. Add Component function: in the newly created page file, add Fucntions and Views

function Demo() {
    document.title = 'Demo Page'
    return (
      <div className="Demo">
        Demo Page
  1. Add to router: In the routes file route.jsx , Add the path and component

Caution: if you add any route code below the 404 component code, it won't work

const Main = props => (
    <Navbar />
      <Route path="/" exact component={home} />
      <Route path="/demo" exact component={demo} />
      {/*<Route path="/route" exact component={component} />*/}
      <Route component={_404} />

      {/* dont add any route here.*/}

here's a simple route structure

In React Router, routes are evaluated in the order they are defined. When you have a catch-all route like placed before specific routes, it will match any path that hasn't been matched by previous routes, including the /demo route.

  1. Load: Load the script of your page in index.html with mime type 'text/babel'
<script src="Components/pages/demo.jsx" type="text/babel" charset="utf-8"></script>
  1. Navigate URL: type to URL bar and it will load your page.