Easy-to-use iOS IPC without the need for RocketBootstrap

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Easy-to-use iOS IPC without the need for RocketBootstrap

MRYIPC is an easy-to-use IPC (inter-process communication) mechanism for jailbroken devices (although it will also work on unjailbroken devices) that eliminated the need for RocketBootstrap.

MRYIPCCenter is similar in API to CPDistributedMessagingCenter, so it shouldn't be too challenging to replace current CPDistributedMessagingCenter implementations with MRYIPCCenter.

How to use

To use MRYIPC, just copy MRYIPCCenter.h and MRYIPCCenter.m into your project (please make sure to compile with ARC), import "MRYIPCCenter.h" into any source files you want to use it in, and start implementing it.

An example can be seen in ExampleClient and ExampleServer in this repository.

The client

First, create the client center:

MRYIPCCenter* center = [MRYIPCCenter centerNamed:@"com.muirey03.MRYExampleServer"];

Then, go ahead and call any method you like:

NSNumber* result = [center callExternalMethod:@selector(addNumbers:) withArguments:@{@"value1" : @5, @"value2" : @7}];

MRYIPCCenter provides 3 ways to call methods on the center:

//synchronously call a method and recieve the return value
-(id)callExternalMethod:(SEL)method withArguments:(NSDictionary*)args;
//asynchronously call a void method
-(void)callExternalVoidMethod:(SEL)method withArguments:(NSDictionary*)args;
//asynchronously call a method and receive the return value in the completion handler
-(void)callExternalMethod:(SEL)method withArguments:(NSDictionary*)args completion:(void(^)(id))completionHandler;

The server

Again, start by creating a sever center with the same name as the client (you'll need to store a reference somewhere to stop it being deallocated):

MRYIPCCenter* center = [MRYIPCCenter centerNamed:@"com.muirey03.MRYExampleServer"];

Then register any methods you want to make external:

[center registerMethod:@selector(addNumbers:) withTarget:self];

Then just implement the methods and let MRYIPC handle the rest:

	NSInteger value1 = [args[@"value1"] integerValue];
	NSInteger value2 = [args[@"value2"] integerValue];
	return @(value1 + value2);


Feel free to follow me on Twitter @Muirey03. If you have any contributions you want to make to this, please submit a Pull Request.