
Bird Activity Converts RSS into ActivityPub (Mastadon etc)

Primary LanguageGo


BirdActivity is a simple combination of gofeed for reading/parsing RSS/Atom/JSON feeds and go-mastodon for posting them.

This allows one to fetch a RSS feed from a URL and feed the items contained to a Mastodon feed.

This can be useful for converting news pages into Mastodon posts, or, if one has a RSS feed of a Birdsite account, to convert those into Mastodon posts.

Example configuration

For the configuration file a simple JSON file is used (typically named config.json).

The format with all the fields are shown below.

One specifies a HTTP User-Agent with the useragent option. Please always include a contact address in the User-Agent, so that one can be contacted in case the bot does something odd, it might happen ;)

One can specify a single Mastodon Server per config file (but could have multiple config files in different runs). The mstdnclientid and mstdnclientsecret options define the Client ID and Secret as defined on the given Mastodon server.

Then one defines one or more accounts on the Mastodon server.

For each account one defines a local name for easy indentification in the logs or for the only command line option. One defines if the account is active allowing one to temporarily disable it. The feedurl defines the URL where to fetch the Atom, RSS or JSON feeds from. The postfield argument is used to determine which content from the retrieved field should be used for posting. The mstdnuser (typically the user's email address) and mstdnpass fields are used to authenticate the user to the Mastodon server so that it can post to the given account.

	"useragent": "birdactivity (operator@example.net)",
	"mstdnserver": "https://mastadon.example.net",
	"mstdnclientid": "<Mastadon Client ID>",
	"mstdnclientsecret": "<Masadon Client Secret>",
	"cachedir": "/var/lib/birdactivity/cache",
	"accounts": [
			"name": "firstaccount",
			"active": true,
			"feedurl": "https://www.example.com/feeds.rss",
			"postfield": "title",
			"mstdnuser": "first@example.net",
			"mstdnpass": "XNQ41CS0-A-LONG-PASSWORD-HOcuQI32ER3gAJT9"
			"name": "secondaccount",
			"active": false,
			"feedurl": "https://other.example.org/feeds.rss",
			"postfield": "titlecontent",
			"mstdnuser": "second@example.net",
			"mstdnpass": "p6aoB58V-A-DIFFERENT-LONG-PASSWORD-IagzFS4h"

Do configure the Mastodon account with the "Bot" flag to indicate that it is a bot / auto-generated content account.


I personally run this from Crontab every 10 minutes; maybe at a later point I'll simply add a simple timer which can delay randomly and run as a daemon.

Example usages

This tool is used by the author for amongst others: