JavaScript, Series 1

  • Progressive enhancement
  • SOLO
  • Duration : 5 days
  • Deadline : 09/10/2020


The folder consists of 73 exercises, divided into 11 series.
Don't be afraid of the number: most of these exercises are very short and focus on a particular aspect.
The exercises follow one another in a logical relatively way, but don't let one exercise stop you: go to the next, come back to it later. Each exercise is contained in a subfolder which contains a index.html and a script.js, further explanations can be found in the index.html.

Some exercises are repeated in relation to the Intro-JS and this is totally intentional, in order to check if all the main notions have been well assimilated.

If you need to review some basics, you can always go back to the JS introduction.

🤟 NOTE: The exercises in series 9 are a little more complex, worth a try: they are good syntheses of the progress made.

☝️ Each exercise must be done.

ES2015+ ?

You might quickly notice, while you research, that there's an ancient and a new JavaScript named ES2015 or ES2016, even ES2017, etc... These are new standards, you just have to remember that the current accepted standard is ES2015.

Section 5, next

Once you finished section 5 you should read this one on the DOM

Section 11

For the exercises using fetch you will need a REST API. We once again got you covered with a little script to run said API in local, follow the step below:

  • open a terminal
  • go to the folder 01.Series-1 (in this repo)
  • run npm run api

From there you will have the REST API running on localhost on the port 3000.

Local server

Even though it's not required for most exercises, it can be a plus to run your script on a local server => NodeJS


To get the most out of these exercises, some useful resources:

Good work!
